Master Gardeners
What We Do
"The Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program is an integral part of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service and provides the citizens of Indiana a chance to grow. The original Master Gardener program was created in 1972 in Seattle, Washington in response to the overwhelming demand for home gardening information. Indiana’s program began in 1978 with 4 participating counties. Currently, over 50 Indiana counties have active Extension Master Gardener programs.
The Program provides a learning framework for participants to increase their knowledge on a wide variety of horticultural subjects. In turn, participants volunteer and help others grow by sharing knowledge while providing leadership and service in educational gardening activities within their communities."
To find out more about Purdue Extension's Master Gardener program, visit by clicking here.
Land of Limestone Master Gardener Officers
Kathy Bodkin, President
James McFarland, Vice-President
Cheryl Coon, Secretary
Beth Houlette, Treasurer
Purdue Extension suggests the following links for information on Home, Yard & Garden horticulture:
Purdue Consumer Hort Extension - Home yard and garden articles, publications, and resources from the Purdue Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and links to other resources.
Purdue Master Gardener Program - Volunteer educators trained by Purdue Extension share their knowledge while providing leadership and service in educational gardening activities within their communities.
Purdue Plant & Pest Diagnostic Laboratory - Purdue's central facility for receiving both physical samples and digital images submitted for identification of insects, plants and plant diseases or diagnosis of plant and pest problems.
Purdue Wildlife Conflicts Information Hotline - ID, prevention/reduction, and additional resources regarding nuisance wildlife, sponsored by Purdue Extension, USDA Wildlife Damage, and IN DNR.
Purdue Turf Tips - Home lawn and commercial turf grass establishment and maintenance
Purdue Junior Master Gardener Program - National program that provides a hands on approach to learning horticulture, environmental science, leadership, and life skills; helping young people become gardeners and contributing citizens.
Purdue Entomology Extension - ID and management of insects and related arthropods, nematodes, and vertebrates.
Purdue Botany & Plant Pathology Extension - ID and management of plant diseases and weeds
Purdue Wildlife Extension - Information and resources for wildlife management
Purdue Forestry Extension - Educational programs & products on managing trees and forests, whether you are managing one tree, trees in your community, or large woodlands.
Purdue Education Store - Order/download Purdue Extension publications, videos, interactive media, and more.
Related Content
More information on Purdue's Master Gardener program and how to document your volunteer hours can be found here.

The Purdue Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Program will hold a statewide virtual Extension Master Basic Gardener Training on Tuesdays, February 1 through May 3, 2022, from 6:30-8:30 PM ET / 5:30-7:30 PM CT via live webinars. Final exam given after...
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