Agriculture & Natural Resources
The Johnson County agriculture and natural resources (ANR) program extends Purdue University research to local residents to assist agriculture audiences, woodland owners, gardeners, and homeowners. Educational venues include in-person and virtual meetings, personal consultations, newspaper articles, county newsletters, websites, and social media. Below find information that may help you - upcoming programs, news articles, additional pages, and topical links of interest.
Also find great free Purdue publications online at Purdue University - The Education Store.Topics covered include agriculture, gardening, cooking, etc.
- Beef Quality Assurance Training - October 29th & November 19th
- Hay Quality Seminar - November 12th
- 2025 Johnson County PARP and Greene Crop Consulting Annual Meeting - February 18th
- 2025 Ag Day Breakfast and Purdue Extension Johnson County Annual Meeting - March 19th
- 2025 Johnson County 4-H & Agricultural Fair - July 13th-19th
Contact Us
Shalee Bradley
Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator
484 N. Morton Street
Franklin, IN 46131
(317) 736-3724
Johnson County Agricultural & Natural Resources Newsletter
Plan is to release a quarterly edition. If you would like to be added to our email/mail list email or call 317-736-3724.
August 2024 Johnson County ANR
November 2024 Johnson County ANR
Soil testing information
Testing your landscape and garden soil for its nutrient composition is a great tool to plan for the future. A soil test will reveal your soil nutrient composition and help you determine which type of fertilizer you may need to apply. Here are some great resources for you to utilize when soil testing!
Collecting Soil Samples for Testing
Soil Testing Businesses
Johnson County Extension Master Gardener
Johnson County has a large group of individuals who have completed Extension Master Gardener training. Those Master Gardeners provide valuable education & volunteer service to many community gardens, educational booths and other related projects throughout Johnson County and our surrounding area.
A Winter/Early Spring Class will be offered January - April 2025 during the daytime. Class information is in the 2025 Info Packet.
Read the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Policy Guide found HERE.
Fill out the Master Gardener Application found HERE.
Submit your completed application to or drop it off at the Extension Office by November 22nd, 2024.
- Invasive Species
- Plant Science
- Lawn Care
- Soils & Plant Nutrition
- Fruit Gardening
- Herbaceous Ornamentals
- Plant Disease Diagnosis and Control
- Weed Identification and Control
- Insect ID & Control
- Vegetable Gardening
- Animal Pests
- Woody Ornamentals
Pesticide Safety and Pesticide Alternatives
Hay there, hay here - understanding forage quality virtual seminar
Beef quality assurance trainings 2024
Community Needs Assessment
Help us gauge the needs our our community with taking the Agriculture & Natural Resources Community Needs Assessment. This is to help provide needed programming for producers and consumers in the county. Please hit the button below to begin the survey.
Community Needs Assessment Survey
Incubators in the classroom 2025
Cut flower growers - Annie's project
ag women engage conference
women in ag - live! webinar series
Purdue plant doctor
Are you concerned about a possible disease or pest in your yard? Use the Purdue Plant Doctor to help you diagnose.