1. Refer to guidelines for poster and general display guidelines.
2. Choose at least one (1) sport you enjoy or you would like to learn about and then:
a. Learn what the basic skills are for your particular sport.
b. Determine what your skill level is for each of the basic skills: Basic Beginner, Beginner,
Intermediate, Advanced, and Skilled.
c. Determine what skills you want to learn or want to improve and list them on your record sheet
before you begin.
d. Begin to learn the skills you have decided you want to learn. You may want to ask your parents,
friends, neighbors, or coach to help you.
3. Complete your record sheet and include it with your exhibit.
4. Participate in your chosen sport in one (1) of the following ways:
A. Participate actively with any organized team in the county.
B. Participate in your sport with your family, friends, or 4-H club.
C. If your sport is an individual sport, participate on your own.
5. DISPLAY INFORMATION - Your display should not exceed the size of 24" x 36".
• Each year you are in the 4-H Sports Project, you should exhibit your completed record sheet and
either a display or poster on any single topic related directly to your sport. Examples; Safety
rules, equipment needed (include approximate cost), basic skills, strategies, exercise value, etc.
Your information on either your poster or display should be accurate and thorough showing that you
have knowledge of your sport. If you chose more than one sport, select one (1) of them to feature
for your exhibit.
• Each year after your first year in the project, choose a new sport to learn about or expand and
learn more about one (1) of the sports you chose previously. The exhibit is the same as described
above. If you are learning more about a sport you have chosen previously, your exhibit should show
greater understanding and more in-depth information about your sport than before.
Beginner: Grades 3 thru 5 (suggested)
Exhibit a poster or display that is related directly to the project.
Intermediate: Grades 6 thru 8 (suggested)
Exhibit a poster or display that is related directly to the project.
Advanced: Grades 9 thru 12 (suggested)
Exhibit a poster or display that is related directly to the project.
1. Refer to guidelines for poster and general display guidelines.
2. Choose at least one (1) sport you enjoy or you would like to learn about and then:
a. Learn what the basic skills are for your particular sport.
b. Determine what your skill level is for each of the basic skills: Basic Beginner, Beginner,
Intermediate, Advanced, and Skilled.
c. Determine what skills you want to learn or want to improve and list them on your record sheet
before you begin.
d. Begin to learn the skills you have decided you want to learn. You may want to ask your parents,
friends, neighbors, or coach to help you.
3. Complete your record sheet and include it with your exhibit.
4. Participate in your chosen sport in one (1) of the following ways:
A. Participate actively with any organized team in the county.
B. Participate in your sport with your family, friends, or 4-H club.
C. If your sport is an individual sport, participate on your own.
5. DISPLAY INFORMATION - Your display should not exceed the size of 24" x 36".
• Each year you are in the 4-H Sports Project, you should exhibit your completed record sheet and
either a display or poster on any single topic related directly to your sport. Examples; Safety
rules, equipment needed (include approximate cost), basic skills, strategies, exercise value, etc.
Your information on either your poster or display should be accurate and thorough showing that you
have knowledge of your sport. If you chose more than one sport, select one (1) of them to feature
for your exhibit.
• Each year after your first year in the project, choose a new sport to learn about or expand and
learn more about one (1) of the sports you chose previously. The exhibit is the same as described
above. If you are learning more about a sport you have chosen previously, your exhibit should show
greater understanding and more in-depth information about your sport than before.
Beginner: Grades 3 thru 5 (suggested)
Exhibit a poster or display that is related directly to the project.
Intermediate: Grades 6 thru 8 (suggested)
Exhibit a poster or display that is related directly to the project.
Advanced: Grades 9 thru 12 (suggested)
Exhibit a poster or display that is related directly to the project.
Sports Scorecard Exhibitor Name __________________________
County ______________________________
Class _______________________________
Project ________________________________________
Excellent |
Good |
Fair |
Needs Improvement |
Appearance – attractive in color and decoration |
Workmanship- neat and clean |
Function and/or decorative quality of this item |
Creativity in design and/or materials |
Overall appeal of project |
Judge’s Comments: