Food Preparation

1. Refer to the poster and general display guidelines.
2. Food Preparation is a product that cannot be in any other foods category, and must be
3. You need to bring the entire dish you have prepared; it cannot be just a portion of the recipe.
4. You will need to bring a place setting display such as placemat, plate, fork, spoon, knife,
water glass, etc. and you will need to serve the Judge your product.
5. All products should be made from scratch not a box mix.
6. You are judged on product and presentation.
7. Since it is illegal in the State of Indiana for youth under the age of 21 to purchase or consume
alcoholic beverages, 4-H members are to use recipes that do not include an alcoholic beverage as an
ingredient. A suitable non-alcoholic or imitation product may be substituted.
8. It is required that you include the recipe and a day’s menu with your exhibit.

Level 1: Grades 3 thru 5 (suggested)
You may select one (1) of the following categories in which to enter: (Select a different exhibit
each year-not necessarily a different category.)

4. Salad
5. Vegetable Dish
6. Main Course
7. Dessert

Level 2: Grade 6 thru 8 (suggested)
You may select one (1) of the following categories in which to enter: (Select a different exhibit
each year-not necessarily a different category.)

1. Appetizer
2. Snack
3. Reception (table decorations and setting included)
Bring your exhibit, recipe, and a day's menu including your product.
4. Salad
5. Vegetable Dish
6. Main Course
7. Dessert

Level 3: Grade 9 thru 12 (suggested)
You may select one (1) of the following categories in which to enter: (Select a different exhibit
each year-not necessarily a different category.)

1. Appetizer
2. Snack
3. Reception (table decoration and setting included)
4. Salad
5. Vegetable Dish
6. Main Course
7. Dessert

Bring your exhibit, recipe, budget with cost comparison/analysis, and a day's menu including your

Additionally, youth in this category must do a cost comparison/analysis from at least two stores of
the meals they plan keeping the given budget in mind. Cost analysis/comparison can be done through
virtual shopping, creating an online list, etc. Physical receipts are not necessary. Cost
comparison/analysis would include all items needed in the recipe(s).

Additional Food Preparation Guidelines:

For Food Competitions: Raw milk, raw milk products or uncooked eggs/egg whites are not permitted.
Eggs/egg whites that have been cooked to 160oF (i.e. pasteurized or included as part of a batter
and baked) are acceptable.

Foods should be transported to the competition in a way that minimizes contamination and maintains
the quality of the food (i.e. foods that are judged as frozen should remain frozen at all times).

Recipes must be provided that identifies all ingredients that were used in each part of the
product. Any ingredient that could be a potential allergen must be clearly identified. Each food
product must be labeled with the following information:

• Name
• Date the food product was made

Contestants should carefully wash their hands and make sure that their hands do not have any open
cuts before preparing foods. If cuts are present, the wound should be bandaged and a single use
food service glove worn on the hand during all stages of food production. Contestants should not be
preparing food exhibits for competition within 48 hours of recovering from any illness. People
experiencing symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and/or jaundice should not be allowed to
prepare food.

Judges and individuals who will consume products from county and/or state competitions should be
informed that they are at risk for foodborne illness since the established policy cannot guarantee
that an entry has been properly prepared or handled before, during or following the competition.
The food products for competitions are home produced and processed and the production area is not
inspected by the Indiana State Department of Health. Tasting of a food product is solely at the
discretion of the judge and consumers. Judges are NOT to taste any home preserved foods such as
low-acid or acidified foods like green beans, tomatoes, or tomato products, jams/jellies/fruit
preserves or fermented products produced in the home.


Food Preparation Score Card


Exhibitor Name ___________________________







Needs to Improve

Outside Characteristics:









Inside Characteristics:










     Well Blended Ingredients


     No off-flavors









     Variety of Texture


     Variety of color




Served to Judge





Place Setting Display





Recipe Card





Judge’s Comments: