Below is the information sent out to 2024 Hendricks County 4-H members about how to register for the 2024 Hendricks County 4-H Fair. This will be updated in May 2025 to reflect dates and instructions for the 2025 Hendricks County 4-H Fair.



Once you have enrolled in 4-HOnline it’s time to identify the projects you plan to exhibit at the Hendricks County 4-H Fair in FairEntry. FAIRENTRY is the online system we use to:

  • track exhibits/projects at the Fair.
  • record ribbon/award placings and create reports to send this information to the newspaper.
  • create exhibit tags that are put on projects/displays/exhibits.
  • create show programs for the livestock, and much more!


4-HOnline connects to FairEntry to help track this information. Think of the process like this:

  • 4-HOnline is step #1 where you told us what projects you are completing.
  • FairEntry is step #2 where you tell us what you will be bringing to Fair.

EXAMPLE: You might have signed up for the Photography project on 4-HOnline. In FairEntry, you will tell us that you are bringing a Level C Photography project that is a Black and White Salon Print of a dog in a barn.


FairEntry will open at 8 a.m. on SATURDAY, June 1st. You MUST complete FairEntry by Monday, July 1st at 11:59 p.m.! FairEntry will NOT reopen after this time! For complete FairEntry instructions and a copy of this packet, please visit:


Fair Tickets will be emailed on or after July 10th! They will come from Hometown Ticketing, not our office.


Some basics of the FairEntry system are:

  • Families will use their 4-H Online profiles and passwords. Families will NOT have to create another password or profile to enter information into FairEntry.
  • EVERY exhibit for EACH 4-H’er in your Family profile who is planning to bring something to the Fair will need to be registered in FairEntry.
  • If you have a project that you don’t plan on exhibiting at the Fair, but want to complete it by doing the record sheet, you will still need to enter that information into FairEntry for record keeping purposes. See the enclosed 2024 FAIRENTRY CHEAT SHEET for more information on how to register a project completed through filling out a General Record Sheet or participation via a 4-H activity.
  • If exhibiting Horse & Pony or Llama/Alpaca, your instructions will include how to enter one animal into multiple classes instead of going through the full process to enter each class. For instructions on how to do this, visit:
  • When entering each project, you might need to enter your club each time you make an entry.
  • You may start entering 4-H members’ information, just DO NOT SUBMIT until you have completed all 4-H members in the Family.
  • When you have everything completed in FairEntry, please be sure to SUBMIT your entries.

**Note: Because this system is a nation-wide program, it will appear as if there is a fee for projects, however when you get to the end of the entry it will show a zero charge – there is NO FEE for exhibiting at the Hendricks County 4-H Fair!


Indoor Projects:

Exhibit Tags can be picked up at check-in starting Tuesday, July 9th. If you are dropping off your projects early on Monday the 8th from 4-6 PM or Friday from 3-7 PM (for Saturday project judging), you can pick up your tags then.


Livestock Projects:

Livestock members - You will sign up for the auction on FairEntry again this year – more details about the auction can be found at:

Several livestock specie members are required to take the new Indiana 4-H Quality Livestock Care OR complete Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) online. IQLC is an in-person session. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate which will also be recorded on 4-HOnline for you. If you choose to take YQCA, you will need to send the Extension Office a copy of your certificate or show it to the office so it can be marked as completed in 4-HOnline. For either option, you must bring your completion certificate with you or have a copy on your phone during fair at check-in!

Upcoming dates for the last in-person IQLC trainings are: June 18th at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairgrounds.


Extended Extension Office Hours:

In addition to our regular working hours (M-F 08:00-4:00pm), during June and July, we will have a couple of days with Extended Extension Office Hours to help you with FairEntry or other 4-H questions you may have! Below is a list of dates/times that our office will be open late to help you:

Thursday, June 27th – Open 8 AM to 7 PM

Monday, July 1st – Open 8 AM to 7 PM


We understand that the process of adding information into FAIRENTRY will take a little time, but this process is required. Please don’t wait until the last moment if you need assistance!! Again, thank you for your patience as we continue to develop the use of FairEntry in Hendricks County!

For questions or assistance please contact the Extension Office at 317-745-9260 during our M-F office hours or email

We look forward to seeing you and your project(s)/exhibit(s) in July!