Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program in Hancock County

The Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program trains gardening enthusiasts as volunteers to assist Purdue Extension with home horticulture education in Indiana communities. Purdue Extension Master Gardeners are "Helping Others Grow!"  Learn more about the state Extension Master Gardener program here.

In Hancock County, Extension Master Gardeners have a vibrant local association that meets monthly to discuss volunteer projects and learn something new in an educational time. Members also volunteer in the community and provide several premier events offering advanced training opportunities. Check out their website and Facebook page. See below. 

If you want to join our team of green thumb volunteers, visit our Become a Master Gardener page to learn concise details about the first steps in that journey.

Contact Us

Lais McCartney

Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources &

Master Gardener Coordinator - Hancock County



EMG-Brand-2-color.pngThe Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program is an integral part of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service and provides the residents of Indiana a chance to grow. Find information about the upcoming class here (opens a new window). Under the guidance and support of Purdue Extension, selected residents of a county voluntarily begin a training program specifically designed to prepare them to help others grow.

The program provides a learning framework for participants to increase their knowledge on a wide variety of horticultural subjects.

When these volunteers complete the 14- to 16-week in-person Basic Training program* (one 3-hour class per week) and pass an examination (at least a 70% score), they are then identified by the county and Purdue as Master Gardener Interns. The Master Gardener Interns are expected to complete 40 volunteer service hours, representing the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service. They help others grow by sharing knowledge while providing leadership and service in educational gardening activities within their communities, under the guidance of the local Program Coordinator. Visit our Become a Master Gardener page for concise details about becoming one of our newest Extension Master Gardeners.

When the minimum volunteer commitment has been fulfilled, volunteers are certified as Extension Master Gardeners. Master Gardeners remain active by completing six hours of educational training and twelve hours of volunteer service per year. Advanced levels of certification are offered to help with the recognition and retention of volunteers.

If you want more information about the Extension Master Gardener Program in Hancock County, refer to the informational brochure.

Also, if you would like local information or are part of a local community group that would like to have a Master Gardener teach your group about a gardening topic, please contact the Purdue Extension office in Hancock County at 317-462-1113 or lmccartn@purdue.edu. Please allow plenty of time to make arrangements.

Hancock County Master Gardeners typically meet on the fourth Thursday of each month starting at 6:30 p.m. Refer to the Hancock County Master Gardener Association calendar, or feel free to call the office at 317-462-1113.

Find Master Gardeners of Whitley County (local association) on Facebook and "like" the page, or check out their website

  • If you are interested in the next (or a future) Extension Master Gardener Basic Training class, please call our office at 317-462-1113 to leave your name and contact information so we can send you detailed information when available. See Become a Master Gardener page for more details or this brochure.

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