Achievement Resume Project

4-H members are encouraged to begin this project after their first year of 4-H. Select a project category and list life skills (see project manual-an example would be “responsibility”) acquired in all of the related project areas. Under each skill describe examples of the use of this life skill in your 4-H projects. You may enter up to three (3) separate resumes, each in a different category. 4-H’ers will learn how to develop documentation that can be used to apply for various 4-H scholarships in their advanced 4-H years. This project is especially helpful in preparing 4-H’ers for the Achievement Resume Scholarship.

PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Cathi Wahnsiedler, 317-440-8542,
and Lucy Wahnsiedler, 317-550-9440,

EXHIBIT CHECK-IN:    Sunday, July 14, 4-6 PM

JUDGING:                    Monday, July 15, 8:30 AM Open Judging                                     I

RELEASE:                   Tuesday, July 23, 9-11 AM, and 5-7 PM

STATE FAIR ENTRY:   No entries, County Project Only


Project Resources

Record Sheet is part of Project Manual under Resources

Achievement Resume Project Manual
