Studying and learning about wildlife is fun for people of all ages. Wildlife exists all around us, regardless of where you live. The 4-H Wildlife project was developed for youth who enjoy wildlife and want to learn more about Indiana wildlife. The first manual introduces some important general wildlife concepts while the higher levels delve into more detail, including species interactions and wildlife management.
PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Holly Faust, 317-776-8412, holly.faust@hamiltoncounty.in.gov
EXHIBIT CHECK-IN: Sunday, July 13, 4-6 PM
JUDGING: Monday, July 14, 8:30 AM, Closed Judging
RELEASE: Tuesday, July 22, 9-11 AM, and 5-7 PM
STATE FAIR ENTRIES: Three (3) per county, one (1) per level
Project Resources
Project Manual:
- Level 1 (grades 3-5) - (available at the Extension Office)
- Level 2 (4-H-1046-W) and Level 3 (4-H-1048-W) are available as a PDF only at https://edustore.purdue.edu
Score Card
- Wildlife Scorecard (All levels)
- Science Made Easy: Biodiversity Basics