Weather and Climate Science

The purpose of the 4-H Weather project is to provide participants the ability to observe the weather, keep records of the changes in weather, utilize simple home-made and inexpensive instruments for observation, perform experiments to gain insight of weather occurrences, and to ultimately understand and appreciate the relationships of weather.

PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Holly Faust, 317-776-8412,

EXHIBIT CHECK-IN:              Sunday, July 14, 4-6 PM

JUDGING:                              Monday, July 15, 8:30 AM, Closed Judging

RELEASE:                             Tuesday, July 23, 9-11 AM, and 5-7 PM

STATE FAIR ENTRIES:         Three (3) Exhibits, one (1) per level

Project Resources

Project Manual (available at the Extension Office)



  • 4-H + Me = Health: Sun Safety​​