Robotics in Hamilton County 4-H is a project/activity that youth can participate in. It is not like other 4-H projects. It does not currently have any rules or guidelines for project completion. No rules in a handbook. It is more of an activity that is designed to help launch youth who have an interest in science education areas.
ROBOTICS VOLUNTEER LEADER: Karey Hideg, or 317-710-6095
What is Lucky Robots 4-H Club?
Lucky Robots 4-H Club was a name created by the group. It is a way to put youth into a group or team. If 4-H’ers would ever want to enter a robotics competition they would have a team name. It also allows 4-H members that just want to do Robotics to have a club to sign up in.
Meeting Dates and Times: TBA
Meeting Information
Our club meets for two hours at a time since it takes so long to get started and all the supplies set out or put away. Typically we begin meeting bi-weekly at the end of January through late April. Please note that workshops are cumulative. In order to keep up with the group, participants are asked to attend the beginning meetings to build robots and learn about programming. Please contact the leader if you have any questions.
What will I turn in at the fair?
Great question! This project will not have a display that you turn in. We will have a demonstration on the first day of the fair for the public to see what our team members have learned throughout the year. If a club member has attended at least two meetings, the project will be considered complete for 4H record keeping purposes. We will use a General Club record sheet for this project which can be found on the Hamilton County 4-H website.