
The 4-H electricity/electronics project develops practical skills such as safe practices, proper use of fuses and circuit breakers, proper lighting and wiring techniques, as well as life skills in the area of decision making, using science and technology, and developing communication skills.

PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Carol Schmidt, 317-773-6850, dcakschmidt@comcast.net 

EXHIBIT CHECK-IN:      Sunday, July 14, 4-6 PM


Level 1 Monday, July 13, 8:30 AM, Open Judging
Level 2 Monday, July 14, 9:30 AM, Open Judging
Level 3 Monday, July 14, 10:30 AM, Open Judging
Level 4 & Level 5 Monday, July 14, 11 AM, Open Judging

RELEASE:                      Tuesday, July 22, 9-11 AM and, 5-7 PM

STATE FAIR ENTRIES:  5 electric exhibits, one per level; 1 electronic exhibit, Level 5