Construction Sets

Lego kits will be judged separately from Lego displays of original design. BTR, Mega Blocks, and other Lego-compatible brands will be judged together. The miscellaneous division will include Ellos, Erector Sets, farm scenes, and other construction sets. You may also include information about your display (i.e. how you designed it, or what materials you used for the base) on a poster, in a notebook, or any way you see fit. You may display your project on a model board, in a display case, in a box, or any other way that enhances your project. Be creative!

PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Ben Snyder, 765-729-9889,

EXHIBIT CHECK-IN:          Intermediate & Advanced Tuesday, July 16, 1:30-2 PM
                                            Beginner Tuesday, July 16, 4-4:30 PM

JUDGING:                          Intermediate & Advanced Tuesday, July 16, 2:00 PM, Open Judging
                                           Beginner Tuesday, July 16, 4:30 PM, Open Judging

RELEASE:                          Immediately following judging

STATE FAIR ENTRIES:      1 entry per county


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