Dubois County 4-H
Contact Us
Purdue Extension Dubois County
1482 Executive Blvd.
Jasper, IN 47546
Lauren Fenneman, Assistant Youth Educator
2022 Dubois County 4-H FAIR - Schedule, Events, etc.
Want to learn about 4-H and the awesome opportunities to learn by doing?
4-H Clover Chronicles Newsletters: Current information on 4-H events and happenings.
New! 2021-2022 4-H Handbook - Please see project guidelines for requirements and resources and for exhibition.
- 4-H Livestock Projects: Click on "Animal Science" under Projects by Category Find the project you are interested in and click the + to find project the details. Please see handbook for additional requirements and resources. Poultry NPIP Form
- 4-H State Static Projects: Click on "Projects by Category" Find the project you are interested in and click the + to find project the details. Please see handbook for additional requirements and resources.
- 4-H County Only Projects Please see handbook for additional requirements and resources.
4-H Club Resources: 4-H Club Meeting documents, 4-H Club Financial documents,
4-H Officer materials.
4-H Volunteer Resources: Resources to support volunteers as they work with the youth in the 4-H Program
4-H Club Leader Login - 4-H Club leaders login to check status of members
4-H Scholarships - Applications are due January 25. Call us if you have any questions.
4-H State Programs - 4-H Trips, Career Development Events, State Fair Programs, 4-H Trip Nominations Form