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Dubois County 4-H FairEntry

Dubois County 4-H Members enter 4-H projects they will be exhibiting at the Dubois County 4-H Fair in FairEntry. FairEntry will maintain and organize your member fair records.

Members: You are required to enter all of your projects including Non-Animal and Animal projects you are exhibiting at Fair into FairEntry at

Use 4-H Online login email and password to get into the system. Register each exhibit(s) for the each project(s) you are enrolled.  When entering projects based on your grade level, choose the grade you just completed.

  • Non-Animal:  Register between May 16 and June 30. 
  • Livestock Animals, Horse & Pony, Dog, Cat and Small Pets: Register between May 16 and June 30. 
  • Livestock members:  If you are unsure of classes, please contact your livestock committee chair person for clarification.  If you plan to be in showmanship, please enter into that class. 
  • Poultry members:  Poultry shows are still scheduled. If you do not wish to show actual poultry, project can still be completed by submitting your completed poultry manual and General Record Sheet. Members may also enter a poultry poster for exhibit at 4-H Fair.

Very Important! Register all projects for family members before continuing to the payment process to finish the entry.  (There is no payment due, but it is a required part of FairEntry).  Once you hit the submit button, you will not be able to make any additional entries until they are approved. 

You will also be asked to put in a description of your project.  Be specific about what it is.  Think of what makes your project unique.  Instead of describing your photography project as “photo,” it would be much better to describe it as “color photo of butterfly resting on leaf.”

READ and FOLLOW the step by step directions provided below.    If you have any questions, please contact Purdue Extension-Dubois County at 812-482-1782 or stop in between 8 and 4 PM if you need help entering your projects at 1482 Executive Blvd. Jasper, IN  47546

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