Boone County Master Gardener Program
The Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program trains horticulture and gardening enthusiasts as volunteers to assist Purdue Extension with home horticulture education. Master Gardeners receive 40 hours of Basic Intern Training and then use their knowledge and skills to provide volunteer educational service in their local communities.
Boone County Master Gardener Program
Boone County has a very active Master Gardener Program. They are involved in many programs and activities. Some of these include:
Community Gardens of Boone County
The Community Gardens of Boone County manage and maintain several gardens throughout the area. These gardens provide education, beauty, and produce for those in need. The gardens also serve as venues for educational programs and activities. Master Gardeners are heavily involved with these gardens.
Boone County Master Gardeners assist new homeowners with planning, designing, installing, and maintaining their landscapes. This includes working with the new homeowner to develop an overall landscape design, select plants and buy plants and materials. Landscape day is an important part of the construction of Habitat homes. The homeowner is provided with a resource binder which includes information on how to care for and maintain his or her plants and landscape.
Rainscaping is the practice of using landscaping to help rainfall infiltrate into the ground closer to where it falls. otherwise the runoff may carry impurities into lakes, rivers, and streams. The Boone County Rainscaping Team consists of Master Gardeners who have completed the Purdue two-day Rainscaping Education Program. This group has developed educational materials for use by homeowners, give programs and workshops, and provide individual assistance for those wanting to incorporate rainscaping into their landscapes. In 2020 they developed a Boone County Virtual Rain Garden Tour which is available on YouTube.
Each spring the Master Gardeners of Boone County host Gardenfest. Gardenfest is a full-day horticultural bonanza! Dozens of vendors are on-hand with products available for sale. There are a variety of educational programs and activities taking place featuring horticulture experts as speakers. Save the date for next year's Gardenfest: April 6, 2024 from 9 am - 3 pm.
Becoming a Boone County Master Gardener
Now Accepting Applications for the Boone County Spring 2025 Class!
Master Gardener Basic Training Information Packet
In order to become a Boone County Master Gardener you must first complete a 40-hour Purdue Extension Master Gardener Intern Training. These are held periodically in Boone County. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list to receive notification when the next training is planned, please contact Andrea Hatfield at
You may also take the Intern Training in another location and be a volunteer in Boone County. To see available Master Gardener Basic Trainings in Indiana, go to this link: Purdue Master Gardener Basic Trainings
Additional Master Gardener Resources
Boone County Master Gardener Association
Boone County Master Gardener Facebook Page
Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program