Bartholomew County Resources
Who is Purdue Extension?
Purdue Extension is a service tailored to meet the needs of Indiana, needs we know firsthand. Our educators, specialists, and volunteers live and work in all 92 Indiana counties. We provide the link between Land Grant research and Indiana citizens. In doing that we provide practical solutions to local issues. We provide information and expertise that’s available in the form you want, when you want it. That’s Purdue Extension, Indiana’s home team advantage.
What we do in Bartholomew County:
Our 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator oversees volunteers who manage community clubs, afterschool programs, and SPARK Clubs while also organizing our Bartholomew County 4-H Fair, hosting camps and workshops, and leading special interest programs for all youth in our county.
- Our 4-H Enrichment Program Assistant assists the 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator with 4-H related tasks while also providing programming to kindergarten-6th grade classes related to civic engagement, S.T.E.M., and healthy living.
Our Agriculture and Natural Resource Educator provides our community with resources related to agriculture, natural resources, our environment, wildlife, and more.
Our Health & Human Sciences Educator provides individuals and families with programming and resources related to food, family, money, and health.
Our Community Wellness Coordinator oversees our Nutrition Education Program which provides free nutrition education to youth and adults through schools and a variety of community groups.
Contact Us
Purdue Bartholomew County Extension
783 S. Marr Road
Columbus, IN 47201
(812) 379-1665
Upcoming Bartholomew County Extension Events
ANR Updates
ANR Updates
HHS Updates
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State Extension Featured Story
State Extension Featured Story
“Sanitizing” is different from cleaning. That’s one of the many things people get wrong about removing germs that Purdue experts want consumers to understand.
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