Agriculture and Natural Resources Programs

Agriculture and Natural Resources Programs allow educators to provide opportunities to producers to work with other educators and specialists in development and delivery. Programs provide can provide educational, training workshops, and more.

Contact Us

Agriculture and Natural Resources
625 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47906

Animal Science


Agriculture & Natural Resources host a variety of programs throughout the year through our Extension Offices. Check out and learn more about these featured programs.
Featured Programs
Animal Sciences Team Page

Animal Science Programs

Image of American Citizen Planner group.
Master Cattleman

The objective of the program is to provide Indiana's cattle producers with in-depth...

Master Cattle Program Page
Thumbnail of cows
Beef Basics Program

The virtual program, Purdue Beef Basics will gain knowledge and skills related to beef cattle...

Beef Basics Program
Slab of meat
Boiler Butcher Basics

The Boiler Butcher Basics course is designed to give hands-on training in harvest, fabrication,...

Diversified Farming and Food Systems

Diversified Farming and Food Systems

Field Crops

Picture of flowers and plants
Beginning Farmer Signature Program

This program will walk through a farm planning workbook that will help a farmer determine their...

Beginning Farmer
Picture of a pig looking into the camera.
Beginning Livestock & Poultry 101 Signature Program

This program covers multiple aspects of livestock and poultry production in order to raise...

Beginning Livestock & Poultry 101
Image of three people planting in a gardener.
Grass to Garden Signature Program

This program will equip communities, often composed of diverse audiences with little or no...

Grass to Garden
Picture of booths at a farmers market.
Farmers Market Signature Program

This program covers multiple aspects of a successful farmers market for both market managers and...

Farmers Market
Picture of a rooftop farm.
Urban Farming Signature Program

The Urban Farming Program is designed to provide new urban farmers with the introductory...

Urban Farming
two people pulling up weeds.
Junior Master Gardener Signature Program

This program is a hands-on train-the-trainer workshop designed to introduce and immerse you in...

Junior Master Gardener
Image of two people in a barn.
Keeping the Business in the Family Signature Program

This program takes a holistic approach to succession in farm and family businesses. This...

Keeping the Business in the Family
Young girl holding a tomato in a garden.
Farm To School

Farm to School is a comprehensive effort to increase access to healthy food options for Indiana...

Farm To School Program
Image from a presentation at the Indiana Organic Grain Farmers Meeting
Indiana Organic Grain Farmers Meeting

Hosted by Purdue Extension, the Indiana Organic Grain Farmer Meeting increases participant...

Indiana Organic Grain Farmers Meeting
Image of Purdue extension staff at small Farm Conference
Indiana Small Farm Conference

The Indiana Small Farm Conference serves as the annual educational and farmer-to-farmer...

Indiana Small Farm Conference
Image of the roots of an crop.
Soil Health

Soil Health, provides hands-on soil health educational activities for high school teachers, a...

Soil Health
Image of a women in a field carrying crop's.
Urban Agriculture Certificate

The Urban Agriculture Certificate is a 100% online program developed by Purdue Extension where...

Urban Agriculture Certificate

Farm Management

Farm Management

Image of a man surveying in a field.
Featured Programs
Farm Management Team Page
Image of a combine harvester
Enhancing Your Land Lease

Take a look at additional leasing options that might interest landowners including how to...

Enhancing Your Land Lease
Image of blacked out figures in professional atire to the side and one under a spotlight.
Becoming the Employer of Choice

This program is geared for current and future farm managers/owners looking to improve their human...

Becoming the Employer of Choice
Image of members of Annie's project.
Annie's Project

Farm women continue to generate a cultural tide in American agriculture that is moving...

Annie's Project
Image of three women sitting at a table and talking
Know Your Numbers, Know Your Options

This is a discussion-based workshop to connect women and subject-matter experts in the areas of...

Image of a person giving a presentation to an audience.
Succession Planning

The Purdue Succession Planning Team, comprised of Extension Educators and Specialists, was formed...

Succession Planning
Image of a corn field with a barn in the back ground.
Growing Your Farm Operation

This series will help farmers develop key skills to manage their farms in an ever-changing...

Grow Your Farm Operation

Field Crops

Field Crops

Image of crops being harvested.
Featured Programs
Field Crops Team Page
Image of a group of people happily looking out to the distance.
Purdue Field Days

Field day events provide valuable educational opportunities for all who may be seeking knowledge...

Purdue Field Days
Image of a group of people in a field talking in a circle.
PARP Events

PARP offers events throughout several counties.

CCH's for Commercial Applicators home page.
CCH's for Commercial Applicators

The office of Indiana State Chemist CCH's for Commercial Applicators Page.

CCH's for Commercial Applicators
Image of a man looking at a clipboard with a field in the background.
CEU’s for Certified Crop Advisors

Obtain Certified Crop Adviser continuing Education Units (CEU's) at Indiana Certified Crop...

CEU’s for Certified Crop Advisors
Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management

The Integrated Pest Management program trains stakeholders on the decision-making process...

Integrated Pest Management
UAV Signature Program
UAV Signature Program

The UAV Signature Program teaches commercial UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and hobbyist pilots...



Image of a plant.
Featured Programs
Horticulture Team Page
master gardener image
Master Gardener Program

The Purdue Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Program trains volunteers to assist Purdue Extension...

Master Gardner Program
Rain scaping Education Image
Rainscaping Education

The Purdue Rainscaping Education Program provides training and resources on rainscaping practices...

Rainscaping Education
Image of plants in a planter being watered.
Grass to Garden Signature Program

The Purdue Extension Grass to Garden Signature Program aims to provide information focused on...

Grass to Garden Signature Program
Indiana Hort Conference & Expo Flyer
Indiana Hort Conference & Expo

Indiana Horticulture Conference and Expo (formerly Indiana Hort Congress) is an educational...

Indiana Hort Conference & Expo
Image from the Indiana Organic Grain farmers meeting.
Indiana Organic Grain Farmers Meeting

The Indiana Organic Grain Farmer meeting increases participant understanding of organic...

Indiana Organic Grain Farmers Meeting
Junior Master Gardener (JMG) logo
Junior Master Gardener - Learn Grow Eat Go

Indiana Master Gardener Training Workshop is a hands-on train-the-trainer workshop designed to...

Junior Master Gardener Program

Natural Resources and Land Use

Natural Resources and Land Use

Image of a planning meeting.
American Citizen Planner - Indiana

American Citizen Planner – Indiana provides training to Indiana citizen planners who...

American Citizen Planner
Conservation Through Community Leadership
Conservation Through Community Leadership

The Conservation Through Community Leadership program serves as a roadmap for communities...

Conservation Through Community Leadership
Planning meeting.
Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces

Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces (EVPS) addresses public spaces and their role in enhancing...

Enhancing the Value of Public Spaces
Image from the Indiana Green Expo
Invasive Species Signature Program

Purdue Extension’s new Invasive Species Signature Program teaches attendees how to track,...

Invasive Species Signature Program
Image of a puddle in the middle of a garden.
Rainscaping Education

The Purdue Rainscaping Education Program provides training and resources on rainscaping practices...

Rainscaping Education Program
Image of tall trees in the woods.
The Nature of Teaching

The Nature of Teaching includes formal standards-based curricula and informal activity-based...

The Nature of Teaching
Image of a lake in a forest.
Forest Management for the Private Woodland Owner Course

The Forest Management for the Private Woodland Owner Course an eight-week course for woodland...

Forest Management for the Private Woodland Owner Course
Agriculture Administration Building

ANR Teams

The ANR program area has six focus groups comprised of campus and county Extension staff. Focus groups include Animal Sciences, Diversified Agriculture, Farm Management, Field Crops, Horticulture, and Natural Resources and Land Use.

ANR Teams


Agriculture and Natural Resources is comprised of many specialists from Purdue Extension and from departments at Purdue.
