The 4-H Dog Project provides 4-H members a fun and hands-on learning experience that develops life skills, as well as teaches valuable information about properly caring for their animal. Subjects such as general care, nutrition, housing, training and health care are presented in the curricular materials and in preparation of an exhibit. Members also have the opportunity to develop responsibility, decision-making, nurturing, and communication skills through active participation in the 4-H Dog Project.
The 4-H Dog Project Outline is available as a .pdf file attached below which provides the schedule of training workshops and important information. It also includes a vaccination form to be completed by your veterinarian.
Level 1 (grades 3 to 5)
Level 2 (grades 6 to 8)
Level 3 (grades 9 to 12)
Lake County 4-H Dog Volunteer Lorraine has created some great videos for dog training that could assist all 4-H Dog members with learning training techniques for their dogs. 4-H Dog Superintendent, Christi Long will began in-person trainings at the end of March at the LCFG. All enrolled 4-H Dog members are welcome. Please watch the videos uploaded below and do as much training with your dogs between now and clinics. Updates will be in the Weekly emails and the Lake County 4-H Dog Facebook Page.
Lake County 4-H Dog Project on Facebook
Dog 1: Wiggles & Wags (Grades 3 to 5)
Dog 2: Canine Connection (Grades 6 to 8)
Dog 3: Leading the Pack (Grades 9 to 12)
*Manuals can be purchased from the Education Store or the extension office