Agriculture and Natural Resources Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This page may help you find answers to frequently asked questions in the areas of agriculture and natural resources.

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Purdue Extension - Whitley County

524 Branch Ct

Columbia City, IN  46725


Over time, we tend to hear some questions over and over. If you have a question that you feel may be one of these common questions relating to agriculture, natural resources, pest control, lawn, garden, or another similar field, you are on the right page. Maybe you can find the answers you need below. Navigate from keyword (under FAQ Topics) to Q&A below. Note that some answers navigate to Adobe pdf documents. 

FAQ Topics:

Ants | Bagworms | Bats | Bed Bugs | Bee Swarm | Black Walnut Toxicity | Cash Rent Contract Construction | Cash Rent Contracts | Cash Rent Rates | Classified Forest and Wildlands | Cockroaches | Composting | Crop Costs & Returns | Crop Maturity and Harvest Issues | Crop-Share LeasesCustom Rates | Diseases of Field CropsFarm Business ManagementFarm Fence Law | Farmland LeasesFlex-Rent Leases"Fly-Free" Date for Wheat | "Fly Specks" on Home | Frost Dates | "Fungus" on Tree Trunks | Gardening - Vegetables | Green Slime Along DriveGroundhogs | Hay Crop - Seeding | Head Scab of Wheat | Invasive Species | Japanese Beetles | Ladybugs | Land Values | Landscape IssuesLichens | Moles | Mosquitoes | Mulch | Mycotoxins | Pasture - Seeding | Pasture for Horses | Pasture Renovation | Pesticide meetings attended? | Pesticide Training Manuals | Pests of Field Crops | Pests of Fruit Trees | Pests of Landscape Plants | Pests of Turf (lawns) | Pests of Vegetables | Pesticide Programs (where, when) | Planting TreesPrivate Applicator License | Pond Weed Control | Poisonous Pasture Plants | Pruning | Soil TestsSpiders | Spotted LanternflyTermites | Timber Sale | Tomatoes | Topping Trees | Toxic Plants | Tree Planting | Tree Seedling OrdersVegetable Garden | Weed Control - Crops | Weed Control - Lawns | Wheat "Fly-Free" Date | Wildlife (Nuisance Wildlife Management) | Wildlife prevention/control - permit needed? | West Nile Virus



  1. How do I control ants in and around my home?  Answer    
  2. How do I control bagworms?  Answer  
  3. I have bats in the house. What do I do?  Answer 
  4. How do I avoid/control bed bugs?  Answer
  5. I have a bee swarm that I need to be removed. Who does that in this area?  Answer
  6. I can't grow some plants under or near a black walnut. Which plants seem susceptible to black walnut toxicity?  Answer
  7. Do you have examples of a cash farm lease I can use as a guide to making my own?  Answer
  8. Where can I find examples of farmland leases of all kinds - cash rent, share rent, flex rent, etc.?  Answer
  9. What are the average cash rent rates and land values for my geographical area?  2024 Purdue Survey (PAER)   USDA Ave Land Values   USDA Ave Cash Rents (see bottom table on the page)
  10. How do I enroll land into the Indiana Classified Forest and Wildlands program for savings on property taxes?  Answer   Indiana District Foresters can help  
  11. How do I control cockroaches?  Answer  
  12. How do you make a compost pile?  Answer
  13. For budgeting purposes, what are average crop costs and returns?  Answer
  14. Where can I find a one-stop-shop of reliable information relating to crop maturity and harvest issues, including corn ear rots and mycotoxins?  Answer
  15. What are the average custom rates for field operations?  Answer
  16. Where can I find information about the management of diseases of field crops?  Answer
  17. Where can I go to get answers to various questions on farm business management?  Answer
  18. What are the provisions of the Indiana farm fence law?  Answer 
  19. What is the fly-free date for planting wheat in my area?  Answer  
  20. I have what looks like fly specks on the side of my home. What are they?  Answer      
  21. Frost dates: when is the probable average last spring frost and first fall frost in Indiana?  Answer  
  22. I have some kind of fungus growing on the trunks and limbs of my trees that look "scaly" or like little pasty blue-green to gray doilies. What are they?  Answer
  23. I have this green slimy-looking stuff along my driveway - what is it?   Answer
  24. How can I control groundhogs (woodchucks)?  Answer    
  25. I want to seed a new hay crop. How do I select the types of forages I need and when should they be seeded?  Answer
  26. How can I assess daily risk for head scab of wheat?  Answer
  27. Where can I go to learn about Indiana's invasive species? Answer (Purdue Extension)   Answer (Indiana DNR)
  28. How do I control Japanese beetles in the home landscape?  Answer  
  29. I have ladybugs (lady beetles) entering my house and driving me crazy. What can I do?  Answer 
  30. Where can I find answers to questions about issues in my home landscape?  Answer
  31. How do I control moles in my yard?  Answer    
  32. How do I control mosquitoes in and around my home?  Answer   West Nile Virus info
  33. I have something growing in my mulch that looks gross - like dog vomit. What is it?  Answer   
  34. I want to seed a new pasture. How do I select the types of forages I need and when should they be seeded?  Answer  
  35. How do I go about providing the best pasture for horses?  Answer  
  36. How do I accomplish pasture renovation effectively?  Answer    
  37. I am a licensed private applicator. How many of the three required pesticide meetings (Private Applicator Recertification Programs, or PARPs) have I attended?  Answer
  38. Where can I buy pesticide training manuals?  Answer
  39. How do I use integrated pest management on pests of field crops?  Answer   
  40. How do I manage pests of fruit trees in backyard orchards?  Answer
  41. How do I identify and control pests of landscape plants?  Answer (University of Minnesota)
  42. How do I manage pests of turf (lawns)?  Answer
  43. How do I manage pests of vegetables?  Answer
  44. Where are Private Applicator Recertification Programs (PARPs) happening, and when?  Answer
  45. How do I get a Private Applicator's Permit (license) to spray restricted-use pesticides or apply manure from a CFO (private Category 14 permit) to my own land?  Answer 
  46. How do I identify and control pond weeds?  Answer
  47. How do I properly prune my trees and shrubs?  Answer 1   Answer 2   Answer 3 (if corrective pruning is needed)
  48. Where can I get a soil test done? Answer
  49. How do I control unwanted spiders, and what do the really bad spiders (black widow, brown recluse) look like?  Answer
  50. What do spotted lanternflies look like, and how can I manage them? Answer (Purdue Extension)   Answer (Penn State University Extension)
  51. What are acceptable ways to control termites?  Answer
  52. How do I conduct a timber sale?  Answer
  53. I want to grow tomatoes. What are the basics of growing good tomatoes?  Answer
  54. What's wrong with topping trees?  Answer
  55. Is there information on toxic (poisonous) plants in Indiana?  Answer - livestock and other animals (Cornell University)   Answer - in forage crops (Purdue Extension)
  56. How do I do plant trees properly?  Answer   
  57. How can I order bundles of tree seedlings from the state nurseries?  Answer
  58. How do I plant and care for a vegetable garden?  Answer
  59. Where do I find information on weed control in field crops?  Answer (Resource involves purchase)
  60. How do I control weeds in my home lawn?  Answer
  61. Where do I find information on nuisance wildlife?  Answer- Is a permit needed? Answer - Principles for selecting a professionalAnswer - finding a licensed professional to deal with the problem (Indiana DNR)
  62. If I want to prevent wildlife damage or use lethal controls - do I need a permit?  Answer 
  63. Where can I find current information about the current state of West Nile Virus in Indiana?  Answer

Updated 7/11/24