Wayne County 4-H Youth Development
The Indiana 4-H Program Philosophy and Expectations:
The Indiana 4-H Youth Development program serves the youth of Indiana by providing a strong educational youth development program. This program delivers educational experiences in a variety of settings. Caring, capable and contributing adults assist in the 4-H program as role models for youth. The rich heritage of the 4-H Program is one to be valued and passed along to future generations.
The Indiana 4-H Youth Policies and Procedures Handbook includes certain standards and guidelines to assure that 4-H is a positive youth development program. County 4-H policy is guided by the county 4-H policy making or governing board (i.e., 4-H Council) as provided by the County Extension Board. Legal authority for the 4-H Program rests with the Director of the Cooperative Extension Service at Purdue University. No county 4-H policy may conflict with state 4-H policy or with federal guidelines and requirements.
Deadlines for county and state participation should be carefully constructed so as to encourage rather than to discourage participation. Such deadlines should be well published. Members not complying with established and published dates and deadlines for exhibition may be denied the opportunity to exhibit.
It is the policy of 4-H to be an inclusive organization. No county policy or practice should be used to arbitrarily exclude youth from either membership or participation. Youth should participate in 4-H Youth Development opportunities at levels and times that best suit the youth's development and support family involvement.
Contact Us
Alicia Criswell, 4-H Youth Educator
Purdue Extension Wayne County
861 Salisbury Road North
Richmond, IN 47374
(765) 973-9281