Washington County Cattlemen's Association

washington county cattlemen's association

The purpose of the Washington County Cattlemen's Association is to bring about better relations, understanding and cooperation among the purebred breeders, commercial calf producers, cattle feeders, marketing associations and educational institutions and to improve the profitability of beef for all.


2024 Washington County Cattlemen's Association Officers & Board of Directors:
Keith Day - President
Landon Roberts - Vice President
Morgan Conrad - Secretary
Brian Rosenbaum - Treasurer
Chad Burcham
Brock Chastain
Kade Chastain
Eric Knapp
Steve Moore
Rick Roberts


Membership Dues - $20/year.  Provides one vote during official business and access to the association's portable chute and scales.  Contact the Extension office at 812-883-4601 for more information or to reserve the chute/scales.
     2024 Washington County Cattlemen's Association Membership Form
     2024 Chute & Scale Agreement


Upcoming Events:


Facebook Page:  Washington County Cattlemen's Association