Warrick Co Conservation Crusaders


Note: Friedman Park is currently Maxed out for the second and third sessions. Please email Bailey1@purdue.edu to put placed on a wait list. 

Warrick County Conservation Crusaders is a FREE monthly summer camp (9AM-1PM CT) designed to provide fun, hands on, outdoor education for children ages 5-12.  Located at 4 Parks across the county! 

Sign-up for one month or all 3 months. But please only sign up for one Park each month. (For example: Don't pick both Lynnville and Friedman for June. It's the same lesson.) It doesn't have to be the same site each month! We meet RAIN or SHINE. You must register each child individually.

Each month has a theme: Habitat, Soil and Water.  Parks that have websites are linked. 

Tennyson Park: Hwy 161 Tennyson, IN

June 4, July 2, July 30

Friedman Park:  2700 Park Blvd., Newburgh, IN

June 5, July 3 (at capacity) , July 31 (at capacity)

Lynnville Park: 405 IN-68, Lynnville, IN

June 11, July 9, August 1

Boonville City Park:  201 E.  Moore Street, Boonville, IN

June 12, July 10, August 2

Program Flyer

If you are NOT a member of Warrick County 4-H or Warrick County Mini 4-H, please register as a PARTICIPANT here: https://v2.4honline.com

You will be directed to a 4H registration site. You are only enrolling as participant in our community programs, not the full 4H program.   

For this program, if your child wasn't 5 years of age by October 1 (the start of our program year) please use October 1, 2017 as their birthday.  

Registration Instructions

Contact Us

For Questions Contact: 


Amanda Mosiman at 812-897-6100 or by email: bailey1@purdue.edu 



