Model Railroads
Description: For all Model Railroading members, the basic requirements are as follows:
- Enter your division and build a model/poster to exhibit at the fair.
- It is recommended you attend at least four of the scheduled meetings.
- Volunteer to work the Model Railroad Exhibit running trains during the fair.
- Complete record sheets accurately and turn them in on time.
- A poster on some aspect of model railroads, trains, or railroad operation may be substituted for the model building.
Division 1 (Grades 3-4)
Choose a railroad car. Kit should be simple construction techniques. Any scale is allowed. Very little gluing should be needed to complete the kit.
Division 2 (Grades 5)
Division 2: Choose a railroad car, locomotive, or building. Kit is not to be pre-decaled or pre-decorated. Kit should be simple construction techniques. Any scale is allowed. Cutting materials, gluing, and fitting of parts should be needed to complete the kit. Kit does not have to be painted.
Division 3 ( Grade 6)
Choose a railroad car, locomotive, or building. Kit is not to be pre-decaled or pre-decorated. Kit should be simple construction techniques. Any scale is allowed. Cutting materials, gluing, and fitting of parts should be needed to complete the kit. Kit does have to be painted by 4-her.
Division 4 (Grades 7-8)
Choose a railroad car, locomotive, or building. Kit is not to be pre-decaled or pre-decorated. Kit should be of moderate construction techniques. Any scale is allowed. Cutting materials, gluing, and fitting of parts should be needed to complete the kit. Kit does have to be painted.
Division 5 (Grades 9-12)
Division 5: Either choose a railroad car, locomotive, or building of advanced construction techniques or kit bash two or more kits to create something. Kit is not to be pre-decaled or pre- decorated. Any scale is allowed. Cutting materials, gluing, and fitting of parts should be needed to complete the kit. Kit does have to be painted by 4-her. Explanation of kit bashing process as well as parts listed that you used from each kit. Prototype pictures are encouraged as well.
Model Railroad Poster:
Poster size is 22x28 and is to follow the poster rules of the county. See poster guidelines in the front of this handbook.
Beginner (Grades 3-5)
My favorite Railroad
Pick a railroad and give a brief explanation why it's your favorite.
Intermediate(Grades 6-8)
Nuts and bolts of the railroad
Create a poster that explains one of the following topics: model railroad scale, railroad signs, freight car identification, locomotive
Advanced(Grades 9-12)
History of a Railroad
Pick a railroad and give a brief history of it. Route of the railroad, rolling stock, and locomotive information.
Each 4-H member may enter a favorite train of any scale or type. Length may be limited to the showcase size. Once a train is declared a Champion or Reserve Champion, IT MAY NOT BE REENTERED.
Each 4-H member may enter a photograph of a favorite railroad or model railroad subject. Once a photo is declared a Champion or Reserve Champion, IT MAY NOT BE REENTERED.