Indiana Noble County Master Gardeners

Extension Master Gardeners are volunteers of Purdue Extension who serve in the local community to provide horticultural knowledge to local residents.


Dear Prospective Purdue Extension Master Gardener:

Thank you for your interest in the Purdue Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Statewide Basic Training. Our main objective is to train volunteers to assist Purdue Extension with home horticulture education in local communities.  Purdue EMG’s receive training in horticulture to equip them to fulfill this educational role through volunteering in a variety of projects approved by their local EMG County Coordinator (Purdue Extension Educator). 

The requirements for Purdue EMG certification include acceptance into the training through an application and screening process, payment of registration fee, completion of the EMG Basic Training which includes passing the open-book final exam with a score of 70% or higher, and contributing at least 40 hours of volunteer service approved by the local EMG County Coordinator within two years.  Purdue Extension Master Gardeners must complete 12 volunteer and 6 continuing education hours annually to stay active.  


Program Information

For Spring 2025, there will be a Statewide Virtual Purdue EMG Basic Training from February 4 – May 6 (with completion of final exam after May 6). The statewide live webinars will be held Tuesdays from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. The northeast Indiana local sessions will be on Mondays from 6:30-8:30 pm twice per month. See local schedule details. Both the virtual and in-person sessions are required to complete the class.


Application and Registration Information (Two-Step Process to participate)

Step 1: Application approval by local EMG County Coordinator

Please read the Purdue EMG Program Policy Guide and complete, sign, and return the Purdue EMG Volunteer Application and Agreement (Form EMG-1) to Allen, LaGrange, Noble, or Whitley county offices.

Policy Guide:


Applicants are required to show evidence of a government issued photo ID prior to application approval, which may be done through a virtual or in-person appointment with the Extension office.

Application deadline: January 13, 2025

Step 2: Registration and payment of fees through online registration portal

Upon approval of your application and confirmation of a government issued photo ID, an online registration link will be sent to you. The registration options are listed below:

  • $185.00 for an individual registration; includes a print version of the Purdue EMG Manual
  • $290.00 for two people sharing the Purdue EMG Manual (works best for people living in the same household)
  • Participants can add a digital version of the manual for an additional $25.00

Once payment is confirmed, a copy of the Purdue EMG Manual will be shipped to you prior to the start of the training.

Refund Policy

Cancellation prior to January 21, 2025 incurs a charge of 12% of registration fee + $5.00. After January 21, 2025, no refunds will be issued. Purdue University is not responsible for expenses incurred due to cancellations by registrants and reserves the right to cancel. Full refunds are issued in the event that Purdue University cancels the program.


Statewide Live Webinar Schedule


February 4      Purdue EMG Orientation

February 11    Plant Science

February 18    Soils and Plant Nutrition

February 25    Herbaceous Ornamentals

March 4           Plant Disease Diagnosis

March 11         Weed ID and Control

March 18         Animal Pests

March 25         Insect ID and Control

April 1              Pesticide Safety & Alternatives

April 8              Herbaceous Ornamentals

April 15            Woody Ornamentals

April 22            Fruit Gardening

April 29            Lawn Care

May 7              Vegetable Gardening

Local Schedule


February 10    Local Orientation (virtual)

February 24    Plant Science, Soils, Rain Gardens (Noble Co. Public Library, Albion)

March 17         Diseases & Weeds (Chain O’Lakes State Park, Albion)

March 31         Animal & Insect Pests (Maple Wood Nature Center, LaGrange)

April 14            Pesticides, Herbaceous Ornamentals (Avia Gardens, Avilla)

April 28            Woody Ornamentals & Fruits (Orchard Hill Farms, Kendallville)

May 12            Lawns and Vegetables, Test Prep (Allen County Extension Office, Fort Wayne)


If you require auxiliary aids or services, or for other program-related concerns, please contact your local educator at least 2 weeks prior to the program.


Thank you for your interest in the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program!



Cora Hill, Allen County:, 260-481-6826

Jeff Burbrink, LaGrange County:, 260-499-6334

Ann Kline, Noble County:, 260-636-2111

John E. Woodmansee, Whitley County:, 260-244-7615

Statewide Virtual Basic Training

To become an Extension Master Gardener in Noble County:

STEP 1: Contact the Noble County Extension Office at 260-636-2111, or email the Noble County Master Gardener Coordinator, Ann Kline at

STEP 2: Access and read a copy of the Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program Policy Guide. 

STEP 3: Complete the Volunteer Application and Agreement Form and return it to the Noble County Extension office in the County Annex at 109 N York St. Albion, IN 46701. 

STEP 4: After your application is approved, you will be given a link to enroll and make payment. (Alternatively, you may enroll in a state-sponsored virtual class offering, if available). 

STEP 5: Participate in the 14-session class, and pass the final exam with at least a 70% score. Upon passing the final exam, you become an Extension Master Gardener Intern.

STEP 6: Give back to your community by volunteering.


Welcome/recruitment letter county/noble/anr-noble-county/mgrecruit.letter-noble.pdf

Tentative schedule to come. 

Purdue Extension Master Gardener Program Policy Guide

Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Application and Agreement Form