Meet Sara Haag
What's your favorite aspect of working with our team?
The diverse backgrounds, interests, and strengths that each person brings to the team and the possibilities for collaboration that creates.
What's one goal you hope to accomplish with the team this year?
I hope to meet many community leaders and establish new partnerships to reach new youth audiences in Marion County.
What motivates you to do your best work every day?
I love being able to provide youth new opportunities to learn a new skill or spark a new interest.
What's one unique skill or hobby you bring to the team?
I grew up in a very active 4-H family and had a variety of traditional 4-H projects growing up and I have been able to adapt programs to meet current 4-Her's interests.
What's a fun fact about you that most people don't know?
I've toured dairy farms in 13 different states and in Ireland!
What's your proudest accomplishment in your career so far?
I love getting to see 4-Her's leadership growth by participating in a variety of opportunities through 4-H, school, and other community organizations and having them come back to be volunteers.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Teleport! I would love to be able to visit friends and family more without having to drive multiple hours.
What's something you're passionate about outside of work?
I love to bike especially mountain biking! I've enjoyed being able to ride to work.