Exhibit may be rabbit exhibit(s), poster, action demonstration or a combination.
Rabbit Rules:
- Each rabbit exhibited must be identified with a permanent tattoo in the left ear and must have identification requirements turned into the Rabbit Committee by specified date or will not be eligible to show. An Entry Form will be available to complete by each family/ exhibitor via a digital format. Identification requirements are breed, variety, age (at time of fair), gender, and tattoo. NOTICE: There will be no crossbred rabbits exhibited at the Fair. (This does not mean that they need to be pedigreed. Buy rabbits from a trusted source as they must be purebred.)
- YQCA Certification
- Youth for the Quality Care of Animals. Each Rabbit Exhibitor must complete the course and provide his/her certificate of completion to the Superintendent before any rabbits are penned at the Fairgrounds.
- Tattoo
- All rabbits exhibited must be tattooed prior to the fair. The 4-H Rabbit Committee will set a June date for any 4-H member who needs rabbits tattooed. If member cannot make the date, he/she must make arrangements with the superintendent before the deadline.
- All tattoo dates are final. No late entries will be accepted.
- Fair Check-In
- Rabbits will be required to pass a health examination upon arrival at the fairgrounds. Any unhealthy rabbit or one not registered with the committee will be removed from the fairgrounds and will not be shown.
- A 4-H member may enter and show a maximum of 12 breed class entries plus 2 meat class with only 1 entry per class.
- Must show a breed class rabbit in order to be eligible to show a meat entry. Enter a second breed class rabbit and may enter a second meat class. One rabbit is only eligible for one class either breed or meat, not both.
- Cages will be provided and assigned to exhibitors by the Rabbit Committee.
- Exhibitors must furnish their own feeding and watering equipment. Cages may not be used for storage of supplies- designated storage is provided.
- Exhibitors will be responsible for proper daily care of rabbits and cleaning of cages. Points can be earned for clean cages and well-watered rabbits for the Herdsman Award. Only work done by exhibitor will earn points, not an adult.
- Cages must be cleaned by exhibitor before the animal is released. No rabbits will be released before the Livestock Release Time set by the Livestock Committee, unless there is a serious health concern or violation of these rules.
- Rabbits that are exhibited at fair are still the property of the owner and are not to be handled by anyone other than the owner at any time, with the provision that project committee members & superintendent may check, handle or move rabbits for the safety of the animals. Locks are permitted, in case of emergency please provide keys or combinations to the Superintendent.
- Cages and rabbits will be checked twice daily (AM & PM) for water and clean shavings. Shavings and or water containers that need attention will first receive a yellow tag placed on the cage. If the shavings do not get changed or are considerably worse, or consistent lack of water after one yellow tag is given then a red tag will be placed on the cage.
- If an exhibitor receives 2 red tags, then the exhibitor will be asked to take all of their rabbits home, even if the animals have not been judged.
- All carriers, boxes, crates, etc. must be removed from rabbit barn by 4pm day of check-in and not return until Friday check-out. Exceptions: Carriers may be used to transport rabbits during show hours. Violation will result in confiscation.
- 4-H members are responsible for bringing their rabbits to and from the judging table (no adults) when the class is called. Members will stay until dismissed, and return rabbit to cage. If rabbit is not on the judging table at the time class is judged, rabbit will not be judged. If the rabbit member is unable to attend, they should arrange for another 4-H member to meet these requirements.
- Show Order will be: Breed Show - 4 Class shown alphabetically then 6 Class alphabetically, Meat Production Show, Showmanship with Judge
*All classes will be judged according to ages and weights as established by the American Rabbit Breeders Association Inc. current Standard of Perfection.
Four Class rabbits
- Junior Doe (under 6 months)
- Junior Buck (under 6 months)
- Senior Doe (6 months and older)
- Senior Buck (6 months and older)
Six Class rabbits
- Junior Doe (under 6 months)
- Junior Buck (under 6 months)
- Intermediate Doe (6-8 months)
- Intermediate Buck (6-8 months)
- Senior Doe (8 months and older)
- Senior Buck (8 months and older)
Meat Production classes – Maximum of 2 (must show 2 breed rabbits to show 2 meat classes) *Meat entries are the only rabbit(s) that qualify an exhibitor for the 4-H Auction, which is reserved for exhibitors with livestock designated for slaughter.
Rabbits cannot be entered in more than 1 class. (i.e.: an animal from meat pen cannot be shown as a single fryer)
Meat rabbits will be weighed at time of entry on the first day of the 4-H Fair.
- Meat Pen - 3 animals of the same breed and variety(color), any sex, weighing between 3.5 to 5.5 pounds each and not over 10 weeks old
- Single Fryer - 1 animal, any sex, weighing between 3.5 to 5.5 pounds– not over 10 weeks old
- Single Roaster - 1 animal, any sex, weighing 5.5 to 8.5 pounds, over 10 weeks, and less than six months old
SUGGESTION: It is recommended that meat pens be raised by the member as it is very difficult to buy three animals and have them match as needed by 4-H fair week. If the member cannot raise his/her own pens it is suggested they enter the single fryer or roaster class with a rabbit they have purchased.
Rabbit Ambassador Provided there is sufficient interest from 4-H Rabbit participants, a Rabbit Ambassador contest may be conducted separately from the Rabbit Show, to cover the following topics:
- Showmanship- complete steps in front of the judge
- Breed Identification Test- identify 10 rabbits by breed, variety, and classification
- Written Test- age appropriate test about rabbit facts
Rabbit Ambassador Divisions
- First Year
- Junior -Grades 3-5
- Intermediate -Grades 6-8
- Senior -Grades 9-12
- Must sign up for Showmanship and written tests under correct level.
- Breed Identification and the written test will be conducted during fair week prior to the show. Date and time will be determined by the committee.
- Overall winner is determined by the most earned points from all three areas and represent Rabbits in the Small Animal All-Around Showmanship contest.
- Future Exhibitors may participate in showmanship with a rabbit exhibited by another 4-H member.
Rabbit Posters The purpose of this project is to demonstrate 4-H Rabbit project knowledge and to exhibit the possibilities in the 4-H Rabbit project.
Poster Requirements
- Each poster must have been made by the 4-H member enrolled in the current year’s 4-H program.
- Size – 22”x 28”, displayed horizontally with stiff backing, covered with plastic and accompanied by a name tag in the lower front right hand corner.
- Proper footnoting should be used with any reference material. Attach a 3”x 5” card to the back of the poster listing the bibliography of references.
***Any rules that are not abided by will result with ineligibility to show any rabbit.***