Large Animal All-Around Showmanship
The overall Champion will receive a traveling trophy engraved with the 4-H member's name and year, to be kept until the first day of the next 4-H Fair at which time the member will be responsible for returning it for display at the fair.
Only Premier Showmen in Beef, Dairy, Meat Goat, Dairy Goat, Horse and Pony, Draft Horse, Sheep, Started Calf and Swine are eligible.
Each competitor will:
- Receive an award recognizing his or her representation of a particular species.
- Be willing to have the 4-H member's animal shown by other candidates.
- Show in each of the categories that the showman does not represent.
- All livestock shown will be selected by the species superintendent.
- The show will be conducted under the judge's discretion.
If a 4-H'er is the Premier showman in more than one species, he or she has 30 minutes after the completion of the final species showmanship to pick the species he or she will represent. The Reserve showman in the species not drawn will then be eligible to compete in the All Around competition. In these cases, Premier showmen are entitled to a species champion award regardless of whether they represent that species in the All Around competition. The species representatives will not compete in their respective species class for the All Around completion, but will assist as a ring steward during the class.
Each of the nine species will have a separate showmanship judge for the All Around competition and all scores will be added together to determine the final winner.
Large showmanship show order: Horses, draft horses, meat goats, started calf/dairy beef, sheep, dairy, dairy goats, beef steer, and swine.