Exhibit may be a project, poster, action demonstration or a combination.
Future Members (Grade 2), Junior Members (Grades 3-7), Senior Members (Grades 8-12)
Grade levels are as of January 1st of current year.
Requirements for project completion:
- 4-H member county enrollment form should be submitted online or given to the Extension office by January 15th.
- Complete the educational activity packet appropriate for the grade level of the member and have it turned in and graded by the designated Fair Sign-up times.
Requirements for entry to the LaGrange County 4-H Fair Horse & Pony Show:
- 4-H member county enrollment form should be submitted online or given to the Extension office by January 15th.
- Complete the educational activity packet appropriate for the grade level of the member and have it turned in and graded by the designated Fair Sign-up times.
- To be eligible to show at the county fair, it is mandatory that all 4-H horse & pony projects be enrolled online by May 15th and a current “Certificate of Completion of Indiana 4-H Requirements for Exhibition of 4-H Horse and Pony” form be completed showing required vaccines have been administered.
- One or more animals fed and cared for by the 4-H member.
- Each 4-H member must show in at least one class of their choice.
- Membership Dues Paid - $10 per member and must be paid by the April business meeting.
- Stall Fee - $15.00 per stalled horse / pony due during Fair Sign-ups. This fee will include 3 unopened bags of shavings which will be placed in members stall prior to Fair Week.
4-H parents must give their permission for youngsters to participate in 4-H programs and activities and can lend support by:
- Seeing that your child attends all 4-H meetings when possible.
- Donating some time in helping 4-H leaders with the club or special activities.
- Becoming aware of "The Rules and Regulations of the official Handbook of the Indiana 4-H Horse and Pony Program."
- Becoming aware of the fairground rules and LaGrange County Horse & Pony Club bylaws.
- Advising the 4-H member with the feeding, watering, and management of his/her horse at home and Fair Week.
- Assuming responsibility for transportation for their child and project animal to 4-H events.
4-H Mission: The Indiana 4-H Youth Development mission is to provide real-life educational opportunities that develop young people who will have a positive impact in their communities and the world.
4-H Vision: Indiana 4-H Youth Development strives to be the premier, community-based program empowering young people to reach their full potential.
4-H Philosophy: Because the 4-H events, activities, and experiences serve as the building blocks for youth development, the more experiences the 4-H member can do themselves the more the youth will benefit. It is expected that the member do most of the management, riding, lunging, and driving with assistance always being acceptable if/when needed for safety or educational reasons.
First and foremost, all exhibitors, parents and spectators will conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen. When attending, participating, or acting on behalf of the 4-H program, all persons are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with accepted standards of behavior, show respect for others’ rights, and refrain from any conduct which may be injurious to the 4-H program. Inhumane treatment of animals, including a Body Condition Score of less than three (3.0), impolite behavior, poor sportsmanship, or disruptive actions, (as deemed by the show management) will result in disqualification and/or removal from the grounds.
Adopted 02/2003 – Last Revised 09/2018
- Any youth may become a regular 4-H member when they enter the third grade of school. He/She may continue his/her membership in 4-H through his/her twelfth grade of school (a maximum of 10 years). Any youth may become a Future 4-H Horse & Pony member when they enter the second grade of school.
- Show Divisions
Juniors: 4-Her’s enrolled in grades 3-7 as of January 1 of the current year.
Seniors: 4-Her’s enrolled in grades 8-12 as of January 1 of the current year.
- A 4-H member may only enter a horse & pony project in only one county. (Does not necessarily have to be in the county which he/she lives).
- No horse or pony may be exhibited if purchased or enrolled after May 15th, except in case of injury, sickness, death of the animal, or safety of all involved. The 4-H member or parents must present the case of substitution to the Adult Leader Committee. A veterinarian’s slip and/or leader’s verification may be required. A substituted 4-H horse/pony can be shown at the county fair only.
- The same animal may be co-enrolled by brothers and/or sisters, however, only one rider may exhibit the animal at the County Fair or State Fair.
- A 4-H member may enter two separate horse and pony projects. Stall space may be provided for the secondary project based on annual enrollment numbers (number determined by adult committee), to be determined during fair sign-up week. Eligibility will be based on 4-H member’s years completed in the H&P program. No additional incentive points will be earned by second project being stalled but the 4-her is still expected to give the same care to the second project as the primary project. The secondary project may be brought in and returned home the day of the 4-H Fair show (Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday). Secondary projects may stay at their respective trailer or they may take the place of the stalled (primary) project. An Adult Horse & Pony Committee Member and/or Barn Manager should be made aware prior to secondary projects taking the place of primary projects in barn. No more than one project in one stall at any time. Only one horse / one rider combination may be entered per class.
- No stallions exceeding weanling age can be exhibited.
- All members must use appropriate tack for specified class. Western boots must be worn with a heel. Sport riding shoes are not acceptable footwear while mounted at a 4-H event. Western hats may only be worn in showmanship and/or halter classes. All 4-H members are required to wear a properly fitted ASTM or SEI standard F1163 (or above) certified equestrian helmet whenever mounted, or driving, at a 4-H horse and pony event, show, or activity. The 4-H member is responsible to see that this specified headgear is properly fitted with the approved harness fastened in place whenever mounted. Original tags must be present in all approved helmets. A long sleeved shirt with collar (band, stand up, tuxedo) shall be worn when competing (refer to 4-H 661 Indiana 4-H Horse & Pony Handbook).
- Stall assignments will be awarded, based on the amount of incentive points earned by each 4-H member from January 1st to the end of Fair Sign Up Week of current year. Points cannot be earned for a 4-H member by anyone but the 4-Her themselves. The 4-H member or a member of the immediate family must be present to select a stall. Any member failing to complete their fair week sign-up paperwork (stall card form, class entries, grade level activity packet, fees, etc.) will be last to make their fair week stall selection at the general business meeting prior to fair week.
- All members must follow the barn rules as posted in the barn. Any 4-H member who continually breaks the barn rules may be barred for one (1) year from showing and/or forfeit any prizes or winnings at the LaGrange County 4-H Fair.
- Each exhibitor must bring his/her own feed, extra bedding and cleaning utensils. The $15.00 stall fee (per stall) will include 3 unopened bags of shavings. Additional bedding will be available for purchase throughout the fair week.
- To be eligible for 4-H recognition, primary horse (and secondary project if stalled) must be in the 4-H barn at the designated start time and must stay until released by the Barn Manager after 10 pm on Friday night.
- All stalled projects need to be in assigned stalls during the routine wellness check which will begin at noon on Saturday check-in day. Current Vaccination papers must be present and visible. Check will end at approximately 1:00 pm. Projects are free to leave stalls after check has been completed.
- Only LaGrange County 4-H Horse & Pony members may ride or drive their own 4-H animals during 4-H events.
- Due to state mandate there will be “mandatory jumping practice” for all 4-H members participating in over fences classes. For the personal safety of each participant and horse, all youth enrolled in over fence classes must participate in a designated practice session prior to the designated Fair Sign-up times. Fence heights for the over fence classes will be set for the competition after the ability of the rider has been assessed by designated leader.
In addition to the project completion and animal enrollment requirements for participation at the 4-H Fair Horse & Pony Show, we expect the following from LaGrange County 4-H Horse & Pony Club Members.
- Attend at least two (2) business/clean up meetings.
- Work at least two (2) shifts at a 4-H club sponsored Horse Shows.
- Work two (2) shifts the week of LaGrange Co. 4-H Fair
Adopted 12/1992 –Last Revised 09/2017
- One hundred (100%) percent of the total 4-H Horse and Pony enrollment may participate at the Indiana State Fair.
- A 4-H member may participate in ANY 3 classes in same division (English / Western / Contesting) One Horse / One Rider only. Starting in 2013, members wishing to compete at the State Fair will be required to complete their Indiana 4-H Horse & Pony Enrollment Form 4-H 516, along with a digital color photo of each animal showing its face and all four legs by the designated due date of May 15th.
- The 4-H member will pay all Indiana State Fair administrative/entry fees at the time of registration. All entries must be received by the Indiana 4-H Fair entry department by July 1. Entry to the Indiana State Fair is the sole responsibility of the 4-H member and his/her guardians.
- Entries will be limited to 4-H members in grades 3-12.
- All selections will be made based on the rules of the Indiana State Fair Association.
- It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that 4-H members have successfully completed the skills in the class they wish to enter at the county show.
LaGrange 4-H Horse & Pony Special Awards
Adopted 12/2000 –Last Revised 09/2017
General Business Meetings – 7 points per meeting
Set Up / Clean Up Meetings – 10 points per meeting
Working at Horse Shows – 3 points per hour
Fund Raiser / Sponsor Drive – 1 point per $10 raised
Herdsmanship – 4 pts to 0 pts per stall check. One point awarded for each of the following: water, animal fed, bedding cleaned, and in front of stall raked. If you only complete two of those then you will only receive two points.
Maximum of 36 points for week of fair
- Points will accumulate from January 1 through the annual Awards Banquet.
- Points will only accumulate for attendance at the various LaGrange County 4-H Horse & Pony functions. Class Placings at Fair are NOT
- Points will not be awarded if you do not sign in and out.
- Points will be earned ONLY by the 4-H member. Award System is:
110 points & over – 1st Prize –
95-109 points – 2nd Prize –
80-94 points – 3rd Prize –
4-H member with the most points will be awarded the top prize plus a $75.00 visa gift card
- To be eligible to receive incentive awards, 4-H members must meet the meet the expectations for members that are listed above.
Adopted 02/2003 – Last Revised 09/2017
- Any regular 4-H member is eligible to participate for the award.
- Regular 4-H member must compete in all components of the Versatility Class at the county level to be eligible for the award. Current components of class consist of: a) Western Pleasure, b) Western Horsemanship, c) English, and d) Barrels. Appropriate attire is required for each class.
- The winner of this award has first choice to represent LaGrange County in competition at the Hoosier Horse Fair in Indianapolis, Indiana, the following year (April).
- The award consists of a director’s chair embroidered with “Versatility Winner - YYYY”.
- The Horse & Pony Club will reimburse any entry fees pertaining to the versatility class at Hoosier Horse Fair.
- Award will be presented during the banquet of current year.
Adopted 2003 - Last Revised 9/2018
The purpose of the LaGrange County Horse and Pony Junior Committee is to assist the adult committee and to have the view point of the 4-H Horse and Pony members heard.
- Each year those Horse and Pony members who are in 8th grade or higher and have at least 3 years of LaGrange County Horse & Pony experience, may complete an application form for this committee which will be placed in an envelope by the 4-her at the annual awards banquet. Each application form received will have the name of the member removed and be assigned a number by the extension office for reference. At that time, the applications will be given to the adult committee for review. The selection process will begin and those selected by the Adult Committee will be notified by the adult committee.
- Each Junior Committee member will serve a 1-yr. term.
- Each year a new application must be submitted for consideration.
- A Junior Committee member may not miss 3 consecutive scheduled meetings (committee and general business) without an excused absence from the adult committee prior to the scheduled meeting. This shall not include last minute meetings to finish up preparations for an event. After 3 unexcused absences, the member will forfeit his/her term as a Junior Committee member. If a Junior Committee position is vacated during the term, a replacement may be appointed by the adult committee based on the application process.
- Junior Committee members will serve with the utmost respect for 4-H members, their families, leaders and fair association personnel.
- The Junior Committee is supervised by the adult committee.
- The Adult Leaders Committee consists of nine representatives attending the 4-H Horse & Pony program in LaGrange County. Three will be elected annually at the awards program to serve a three-year term. A limit of one representative per 4-H member may serve a term. To be a member of the Adult Committee, a person does not have to have a 4-H member enrolled in the program. An Adult Leader Committee member who misses three (3) consecutive meetings (adult committee or general business) will forfeit his/her term as an Adult Leader Committee member. If an Adult Leader Committee position is vacated during the term, the next elected person on the ballot will fulfill the term. If there is no one remaining on ballot, a person may be appointed by the adult committee for the vacated position.
- At the October Adult Leader Committee meeting the nine (9) committee members will elect the following officer positions:
Superintendent (may serve no more than three consecutive years, beginning 01/01/2007)
Assistant Superintendent
- Superintendent's Duties: It shall be the duty of the superintendent to preside at all meetings, Committee and Business, call any meetings of the members of the Committee deemed necessary for the welfare of the Horse & Pony program. He/She shall have general supervision over all sub-committees in matters connected in any way with the program and shall order the enforcement of all rules of the Adult Leader Committee. He/She shall be empowered to appoint all necessary sub-committees. The superintendent will work closely with the Purdue University Cooperative Extension agent and keep him/her informed of all Horse & Pony program decisions. He/She will act as the Show Manager for the fair shows. In the absence of the superintendent or inability to serve, the assistant superintendent shall perform all such duties that belong to the superintendent.
- A quorum of the Adult Leaders Committee shall consist of a simple majority, which are five members. If no quorum appears, then the meeting shall adjourn until such time as the quorum shall be present.
- The executive committee shall include all officers (four) and have the power to make any necessary decisions between committee meetings.
- The Adult Leaders Committee is a policy-making organization. That leadership is available to members throughout the county. The Adult Leaders Committee will recommend 4-H leaders for the Horse & Pony program. Names will be submitted to the committee for approval. Upon the Adult Leader Committee’s approval, recommended leaders will be referred to the LaGrange County Extension Office to complete the required 4-H Volunteer Application and Screening process.
- 4-H project leaders are responsible for directing and working with 4-H members in this club. The leaders will promote 4-H enrollment and help set up programming.
- The 4-H Club will run by the 4-H standards and 4-H shows will use approved 4-H judges.