Small Animal All Around Showmanship
Contingent upon youth participation, Premier Showman in cat, dog, poultry, dairy goat, and rabbit are eligible to compete in an all-around showmanship contest for small animals.
Each competitor will:
- Be willing to have the 4-H member's animal shown by the other candidates;
- Show in each of the specie categories that he or she does not represent.
- Animals shown will be selected by the respective specie superintendents. The specie superintendent may serve as judge of the show in each individual specie.
- The show will be conducted under the competition superintendent's discretion. The competition superintendent at his or her option can bring in outside animals should circumstances warrant.
If a 4-H'er is the premier showman in more than one species, the member will draw the species he or she wishes to represent. The reserve champion showman in the species not drawn will then be eligible to compete in the Small Animal Showmanship competition.