4-H Draft Horse Project
- All Draft Horse members must be enrolled in LaGrange County 4-H and may show only in LaGrange County for 4-H.
- To show at the fair, members must work with their horse a minimum of six hours, bring their horse and work with it at a workshop at the fairgrounds, complete their record sheet, and help with the setup meeting before the fair.
- There will be no limit on the number of draft horses shown in the halter class at the county fair. If a project horse is two or under, a second horse may be substituted for the optional driving class with the approval of the Draft Horse Advisory Committee. There will be a limit of one entry per member for the cart class. Members not wanting to show a horse may complete the project by completing their record sheet and showing a poster or educational display at the fair.
4. Members are required to enter the horses they intend to show at the county fair in 4-H Online by the deadline of May 15. - No animal may be substituted or traded for the original animal after May 15th unless approved by the Draft Horse Advisory Committee, with request submitted in writing.
- Leasing is optional with forms available from the Purdue Extension Office.
- Stallions are not eligible as 4-H project animals unless they are foals under 1 year.
- Animals may be sent home from 4-H fair competition by the Draft Horse Advisory Committee if they are deemed unfit or unsafe. Project completion can be achieved as described in rule # 3 in such cases.
- 4-H youth must be accompanied by an adult in the driving class.
- Members may be asked to give a demonstration about draft horses at one of the workshops or meetings.
- Record sheets are to be completed and turned in for the superintendent’s signature by set up night (typically the Tuesday night before fair). Late record sheets will only be accepted with the approval of the committee.
- Exhibitors will wear their assigned numbers at all times when entering the show ring.
- All 4-H members are required to wear a properly fitted ASTM or SEI standard F1163 (or above) certified helmet whenever driving at a 4-H Draft Horse event, show, or activity. The 4-H member is responsible to see that this specified headgear is properly fitted with the approved harness fastened in place. Original tags must be present in all approved helmets.
- Boots or hard shoes (no tennis shoes) and long pants must be worn at all draft horse activities where the horses are present.
17. Judges decisions are final. Questions are to be directed to the Draft Horse Advisory Committee. - Exhibitors continually disruptive or misbehaving may be barred from further competition by the superintendent.
- Animals may be barred from competition by a veterinarian or the Draft Horse Advisory Committee if they are deemed unhealthy or sick.
- Use of drugs is prohibited and any questionable animal may be checked by authorization of the superintendent.
- Showmanship classes
¬ First Year (grades 3-4)
¬ Junior (grades 4-8)
¬ Senior (grades 9 & over)
¬ Premier (the winner of the Senior division and all previous winners of Senior Division and Premier showmen)
¬ Division winners may advance only one division per year.
¬ The winner of the Junior showmanship division may return to the show ring for senior division competition.
¬ The Senior showmanship champion qualifies to compete for Premier Showmanship.
¬ The Premier Showman will represent 4-H Draft Horse in the LaGrange County All Around Showmanship competition.
22. The 4-H Draft Horse Advisory Committee reserves the right to modify rules should an emergency arise.
- Draft Horse Advisory Committee will hold annual elections with all members and parents eligible to vote. One‑third of the Committee will be voted upon yearly. The Committee will then elect a superintendent.
Show order & Classes are subject to change
Halter Show
- Decorating
2. Mares - 4 years and older - Mares - 3 years old
4. Mares - 2 years old
5. Mares – yearlings - Foals - filly or stud
7. Overall Champion Mare (classes 1-5)
8. Geldings - 4 years and older
9. Geldings - 3 years and under
10. Overall Champion Gelding (classes 7-8)
11. Mules
12. Draft Ponies - Overall Premier Champion (Winners of classes 7, 10,11.12)
14. First year--grades 3-4
15. Junior--grades 4-8
16. Senior--grades 9-12
17. Premier Showmanship - Future 4-H—grades K-2
Driving Classes
18. Junior Cart Class--grades 3-7
19. Senior Cart Class--grades 8-12
NOTE: Driving classes may be combined depending on number of entrants.
Future 4-H Exhibitors
1. Future showman are expected to attend at least one but not limited to one Draft Horse workshop.
2. Future showman may only compete in either a future showman halter class (not cart) or complete an educational poster. If showing in a showmanship class, Future showman MUST be accompanied by an adult/parent (an individual 18yrs or older) in the show ring.
3. If approved by the Advisory Committee and an agreement form is on file, a future 4-H youth may bring their own animal to the 4-H fair.
Draft Horse Written Project Grade 3-6
4-H Draft Horse Rubric, Grade 7-8
4-H Draft Horse Rubric Grade 9-12
Contact information During the Fair
Declaration of Horse
4-H Draft Horse General Record
4-H Animal Lease Agreement
2018 Board of Animal Health Animal Exhibit Requirements