Exhibit may be a project, poster, interactive demonstration or a combination
Youth must complete the YQCA program and get their certificate of completion. Youth may complete a project record sheet and the questions corresponding to his or her grade as of January 1st of the current year for herdsmanship points. Questions are taken from the 4-H Dairy Resource Handbook (4-H 127 R). The Dairy Resource Handbook is intended for use for the entire ten years of participation in the 4-H Dairy project. Manuals need to be turned in to 4-H Dairy leaders when entering their cattle at the 4-H fair. Youth may exhibit at the county fair if they completed YQCA are complete and animal health requirements met.
- Spring heifer calf dropped between March 1 and June 10 of the current year.
- Winter heifer calf dropped between December 1 last year and February 28 of current year.
- Fall heifer calf dropped between September 1 and November 30 of last year.
- Summer yearling heifer dropped between June 1 and August 31 of last year.
- Spring yearling heifer dropped between March 1 and May 31 of last year.
- Winter yearling heifer dropped between December 1 of year previous to last year and February 28 of last year.
- Fall yearling heifer dropped between September 1 and November 30 of year previous to last year.
- Junior and Reserve Junior Champions.
- Two year old cow dropped between September 1, three years previous and August 31, two years previous.
- Three year old cow dropped between September 1, four years previous and August 31, three years previous.
- Four year old and over cow dropped before August 31, five years previous.
- Best Udder Class (all cows).
- Daughter/Dam class per breed
- Dairy Herd (best 3 animals per 4-H member any breed)
Rules & Policies
- Heifers need to be at the fairgrounds on Saturday between 6 am – 12 pm of fair week. Heifers will not be released until all other animals are
- Cows may arrive by noon on Monday or prior to show. Cows are released after the show or when heifers are released.
- All 4-H exhibitors will bring feed and bedding.
- Ribbons will be awarded to all 4-H exhibitors.
- Follow Indiana Board of Animal Health Rules. A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection is NOT required for exhibition.
- All pens will be assigned by the superintendent with those members in attendance at pre-fair clean up and set up day given first preference. Stall size based on the size of animals.
- Members are limited to exhibiting one animal per class.
- Breed classes are arranged for all major dairy breeds. At check in the fair, the member must have registration papers for purebred animals or papers showing birth date and sire identification for grade animals.
- An animal to be eligible for cow classes must have been enrolled in 4-H by the 4-H member and must have been shown prior to second lactation by a 4-H member at LaGrange County.
- Only blue ribbon animals are eligible to compete for the champion classes. Supreme Champion will be selected from the grand champion animals only.
- First and second place animals in the junior calf, fall senior calf, senior calf, summer junior yearling, junior yearling, and senior yearling will compete for the Junior Champion. Two year old cow, three year old cow, four year old cow and over will compete for the senior championship.
- Junior Champion, Reserve Junior Champion, Senior Champion, and Reserve Senior Champion will compete for the Grand Champion.
- Milk will be sold at the auction from the breed champions.
- Showmen may advance only one division per year.
- Members must show their own animals.
- First Year Showmanship is open to youth in grades 3-4.
- Junior Showmanship is for members in grades 4-8.
- Senior Showmanship is for members in grades 9-12.
- Past Junior winners will compete in Senior Showmanship.
- Past Senior winners and the current Senior Showman will compete in the Premier Showmanship Class.
This award is based on condition of stall and exhibit. All 4-H stalls will be given a grade twice a day beginning Monday afternoon. Grades will be based on items such as care of animal (whether clean and attractive), condition of bedding, feed sacks, feed boxes, and trunks or towels neatly arranged. Each exhibitor is also responsible for cleaning all cow manure from the 20 foot fire lane outside the building and directly behind their stall. 4-H Dairy member must be present at pre-fair set up and/or clean up days. If you completed the project record sheet, you will get additional points toward herdsmanship. Final grade will be given after clean up. Judging is the responsibility of superintendents and committee
4-H Dairy Evaluation Record Sheet Grade 3
Record Sheet Grade 4 Record Sheet Grade 5
Record Sheet Grade 6 Record Sheet Grade 7
Record Sheet Grade 8 Record Sheet Grade 9