Programs typically offered in Knox County include hands-on, virtual, or classroom style classes for all ages.  Topics include agriculture production, marketing, risk management, and economics.  Agriculture technology specifically focused around using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones).  Introductory and advanced gardening topics, including the Master Gardener program.  Natural Resource topics include land use, wildlife, invasive/native species, and conservation.  All programs can be tailored to meet the needs of the group, so feel free to call and we can discuss additional topics.

Contact Us

Valerie Clingerman
Purdue Extension – Knox County
County Extension Director
Ag and Natural Resources Educator
4259 N Purdue Rd
Vincennes, IN  47591
Office: 812-882-3509


Agriculture and Natural Resource Extension (ANR) Educators serve as research based, unbiased information source for county and state constituents on a variety of topics including: crops, ag business, livestock, natural resource, horticulture, small farms, urban ag, pesticide use, and land conservation.




  • Call us at 812-812-882-3509
  • Or visit our office Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
  • Find us on Facebook at:   
    If you want to get monthly updates about programs being offered locally, email Valerie to be added to her e-newsletter.  (Your information will not be shared)


Purdue Extension-Knox County will be offering the Get Growing Program addressing garden topics. We will meet Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:00 pm Eastern from Jan. 9-Feb. 20, 2025 at the Purdue Extension Office (4259 N Purdue Rd. Vincennes, IN 47591 classroom A115)


Jan. 9-How Plants Grow

Jan. 16-Whats Pestering Your Garden

Jan. 23-Wondering About Woody Plant Care

Jan. 30-Growing Fantastic Flower Gardens

Feb. 6-Growing Lush Lawns

Feb. 13-No class

Feb. 20 Fruit in the Backyard

Pre-registration is required, The cost for the program is $40, please register and pay by January 3, 2025 (send payment to Purdue Extension-Knox County 4259 N Purdue Rd. Vincennes, IN 47591). For more information call 812-882-3509 or email

For more information, click here: county/knox/combined-flyeragenda.pdf


Leaving A Lasting Legacy For Midwestern Farm women

Leaving a lasting legacy for midwestern farm women-a succession planning series is a program open to both men and women. This series will be a four-part succession planning workshop that will meet Jan. 21, 28, Feb. 4, and 11, 2025. Topics will include asset transfer, family communication, legal issues, what to include, and how to build your team. We will meet at the Purdue Extension-Knox County Office (4259 N Purdue Rd. Vincennes) from 6-9pm eastern. If you register before Jan. 13 the in-person option will be $60/virtual option $75 and on or after Jan. 13 the registration will be $75 for in person and $75 for virtual. Register at: If you have additional questions contact Valerie Clingerman 812-882-3509 or

 Please click here for more information:  county/knox/indiana-trifold-lasting-legacy-estate-planning-series-025.pdf


The Purdue Cooperative Extension Service is offering a UAV(Drone) Technology Program teaching individuals UAV technology legal requirements, FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Knowledge Test preparation, and useful UAV applications. Every participant will get hands-on experience flying manual and planned UAV flights.

Course topics include: Drone Introduction, Camera Settings, Sensors and Artificial Intelligence, FAA Part 107 Test Preparation, Flight Plans & Record Keeping, Planned and Manual Flights, Use of Processing Software, Data Management, Image Quality & Troubleshooting, and Emergency Preparation.

 The next class will be Feb. 13-14, 2025 at the Warrick County 4-H Fairgrounds (133W Degonia Rd. Boonville, IN 47601) from 9:00am-5:00pm eastern. Register for this event by Feb. 4th at . If you have questions contact Valerie Clingerman 812-882-3509 or

For more information, please see attached flyer:  county/knox/uavsignatureprogramflyer_warrickco.pdf


The primary objective of the Purdue Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Knox / Daviess Co. is to train volunteers to assist Purdue Extension with home horticulture education in local communities. In preparation for this role, Purdue EMGs receive the horticulture training they will need to perform their duties during EMG County Coordinator (County Extension Educator) - approved projects. To become a Purdue Extension Master Gardener, you must 1.) Complete the application/screening process and be accepted, 2.) Pay a registration fee, 3.) Complete EMG Basic Training, 4.) Pass an open-book final exam with a score of 70% or higher, and 5.) Contribute at least 40 hours of volunteer service, approved by the local EMG County Coordinator, within two years. To maintain active status, Purdue Extension Master Gardeners must complete at least 12 volunteer and 6 continuing education hours every year, thereafter.

The next EMG Basic training course will be held on Wednesdays from Feb. 5-May 14th from 5:30-8:30 pm eastern. We will meet at two locations throughout this course (Washington and Vincennes).

Registration is a two-step process.

Step 1: Read Master Gardener Policy Guide and submit below application to the local coordinator by Jan. 21, 2025.

Step 2: Registration and payment of fees through online portal. Due by Jan. 27, 2025. Individual registration is $110.00, or $155.00 for two people sharing the Purdue EMG manual (this works best for people living in the same household).

For More Information, Click here:county/knox/2025-emg-application-packet.pdf


Interested in learning more about Master Gardeners and how to become a Master Gardener?  See resources below.

  • What is the Purdue Master Gardener Program?                                                                            Visit:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  • Purdue Extension Master Gardener Policy Guide:                                                                          Visit:                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  •  Contact the Extension Office for additional questions:                                                                 812-882-3509 or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              



Thank you to the seed dealers, Area III Agricultural and Natural Resource Extension Educators, and the Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center for their support of this project.



