Hamilton County Extension Homemakers
"To strengthen families through continuing education, leadership development, and volunteer community support"
Hamilton County Extension Homemakers are part of the Indiana Extension Homemakers Association and dedicated to empowering and enriching the lives of individuals, families and communities.
While other organizations may be primarily social or service clubs, our main goal in Extension Homemakers is education. We strive to broaden our member's horizons by providing in-depth information in an informal setting. We also provide volunteer support in our community and work to encourage leadership qualities in our members. And, of course, we like to have fun, too!
Contact Us and Quick Links
Purdue Hamilton County Extension
Susan Peterson, Extension Educator
Health & Human Services
Bernie Huber, Program Assistant
Hamilton County Extension Homemaker Clubs
- East Wayne - Meets 3rd Wednesday during the day
- Harbourites - Meets 2nd Thursday during the day
- Monte Ray - Meets 3rd Thursday during the day
- N.A.R.C. - Meets periodically according to the members’ schedules
- Profit and Pleasure - Meets 4th Tuesday during the day
Atlanta, Arcadia, and Cicero
- Roaring 20’s - Meets 1st Wednesday during the evening
- Fall Creek Home Arts - Meets 2nd Wednesday during the day
- Culinary Club - Meets 4th Tuesday during the night
- Friendly Eagles - Meets 3rd Thursday during the evening
- North Adams - Meets 2nd Friday during the day
- Silvernotes (Hamilton Co. Choral Club) - Meets every Monday evening
How to join
email Bernie Huber
Cost: $15 per year
Part of our Homemakers Creed says that we will "pass on to others that which has benefited us." We have both educational and social opportunities which will benefit you! Upcoming events, which are open to the public, are listed on the calendar. Please register by calling 317-776-0854.
Volunteer Opportunities
County Fair
Flower Show
Food & Craft Show
Used Book Sale
See tab on main page for applications
- Health and Human Sciences Scholarship - $500 or more, due April 1
- Career Advancement - due March 15
- Ruth B Sayre - due February 15
- Steps to Success - due May 1
- Silvernotes Music Scholarship - due May 1
Extension Homemaker Creed
We believe in the present and its opportunities, in the future and its promises, in
everything that makes life large and lovely, in the divine joy of living and helping others,
and so we endeavor to pass on to others that which has benefited us, striving to go
onward and upward, reaching the pinnacle of economic perfection, in improving, enlarging
and endearing the greatest institution in the world, THE HOME.