Ten Year Senior Spotlight

Amy Adams
Favorite 4-H Project: A photograph I took of a bundle of blueberries up close
Advice for Younger Members: Try your best always - your hard work does not go unnoticed
Favorite 4-H Memory: Being able to help in the Pork Producers building with my club

Ellie Barber
Advice for Younger Members: Be present - time flies!
Favorite 4-H Project: Photography; I love being able to capture moments and look back on them
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting ready with my friends on show days

Ethan Barkey
What I've Learned from 4-H: Responsibility and how to be a leader
Future Plans: To become a police officer
Advice for Younger Members: Try your hardest and don't let others discourage you

Aurora Batts
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Grand Champion in the Performing Arts Competition
Favorite 4-H Project: My scrapbook that is filled with 4-H memories from when I was 3 until now
Advice for Younger Members: Explore as many 4-H projects as you can!

Casey Beasy
Future Plans: Study Genetics at Purdue University
Favorite 4-H Memory: Working with my Golden Retriever in agility
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to have patience

Caleb Becker
4-H Clubs: Shooting Sports & Dairy Feeder Calf
Advice to Younger Members: You have to put in the effort to get the rewards
Favorite 4-H Memory: Spending time with friends in the Dairy Feeder Calf barn

Carly Bedel
Advice for Younger Members: Always work on your projects early and not the week before fair!
Favorite 4-H Memory: Seeing Darci Lynne on Kid's Day
Future Plans: Study Graphic Design at Southwestern Michigan College

Kane Bellman
Advice for Younger Members: Do what you love & work hard
Future Plans: Fashion Design at Kent State
What I've learned from 4-H: You can achieve great things with time & hard work

Aiden Bemis
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University for Marketing
Advice for Younger Members: The only way to get better is practice and sticking to it
Favorite 4-H Project: Competition shoots

Brock Berkey
Advice for Younger Members: Take pride in your work
Favorite 4-H Memory: Hanging out with my friends in the animal barns
What I've Learned from 4-H: To work hard!

Logan Bickel
Favorite 4-H Memory: Going to really cool places to take my photos for photography
Future Plans: Going to Grand Valley State University to major in exercise science and finance
Advice for Younger Members: Stick with it! The ten years go fast!

Brenden Blosser
Favorite 4-H Memory: My brother winning Grand Champion Ayrshire while I won Reserve Grand Champion Ayrshire
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University and major in Agribusiness
Advice for Younger Members: Meet new 4-Hers, not only in your club. You can make great friendships.

Ava Bontrager
Favorite 4-H Project: A fairy garden
Advice for Younger Members: Have fun and be willing to try new things
What I've Learned from 4-H: To have fun and be willing to try new things

Ella Branneman
Clubs: Swine Club, Goat Club, and Jacksonian Producers
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning the Large Animal Round Robin my 9th year
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University to study speech, language, and hearing sciences

Ava Brown
What I've Learned from 4-H: I've learned responsibility, managing my time, and gun safety
Advice for Younger Members: Go out of your comfort zone whenever you can
Favorite 4-H Memory: Dressing up as the bearded woman for the parade for media club

Dayna-Rose Brown
Advice for Younger Members: Learn from your mistakes to make the next project better
4-H Clubs: Dairy, Dairy Feeder Calf, and Poultry Club
Favorite 4-H Memory: Showing a Brown Swiss Gloria

Kylee Brown
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University and study Kinesiology on a Pre-Med track
Advice for Younger Members: Put your all into your projects, so it's something you're proud of
What I've Learned from 4-H: Putting time and effort into your projects is really rewarding and can pay off

Aidan Bujalski
What I've Learned from 4-H: A wide range of shooting techniques
Advice for Younger Members: Listen to your mentors - they were in your shoes once
Favorite 4-H Project: Shotgun

Jessa Caffee
Advice for Younger Members: Thank your parents, family, and friends who helped you with your time in 4-H
4-H Clubs: Dairy Feeder Calf Club
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University to study Media and Mass Communications

Tyler Clark
What I've Learned From 4-H: To always do your best
4-H Clubs: Rabbit Club, Photography, and Rifle Shooting
Advice for Younger Members: To always do your best

Jake Cushwa
What I've Learned from 4-H: The attributes of leadership, selflessness, and service in the community
Favorite 4-H Memory: Being with friends and family at the fair
Future Plans: Attend Michigan State University to double major in Political Science and Public Policy & Economics

Cohen Custer
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting 1st in my shotgun class
What I've learned from 4-H: To never give up and always try your best
Future Plans: Attend Ball State and major in Finance

Troy Cutter
Future Plans: Attend the University of Findlay and major in Western Equestrian Studies
Favorite 4-H Memory: Being able to work in the club booths with friends
4-H Clubs: Lamb Club and Saddle Club

Cole Davies
Advice for Younger Members: Work hard, but have fun because nothing is worth it if you aren't having fun
Favorite 4-H Memory: Walking pigs with my brother every summer
Favorite 4-H Project: Raising my pigs

Ethan Dill
Favorite 4-H Memory: Sitting with my friends playing games while waiting to show rabbits
Advice to Younger Members: It may seem like a lot of work right now, but it is worth it in the end
Future Plans: Attend Ball State to major in Music Education

Audrey Deak
Advice for Younger Members: Get involved! Try competing in as many categories as you can!
Favorite 4-H Memory: Being able to spend time sewing with my grandma!
What I've Learned from 4-H: Never give up!

Grant Double
Favorite 4-H Memory: Finding a salamander while camping with horses.
Future Plans: Study at Purdue Fort Wayne for Graphic Design
Favorite 4-H Project: Riding horses in contesting

Tiffanie Double
Favorite 4-H Memory: Watching myself grow and helping other 4-H members
4-H Clubs: Saddle Club and Beef Club
Favorite 4-H Project: Saddle Club; I've learned a lot from being involved and having a challenge

Cincade Drudge
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University Fort Wayne for journalism
4-H Clubs: Jacksonian Producers & Shooting Sports
Favorite 4-H Memory: Painting ceramics

Daniel Edmonds
Advice for Younger Members: Get involved and get out of your comfort zone
What I've Learned from 4-H: Exploring my creative side
Favorite 4-H Project: #28 Havoline Model Car

Christina Eiler
Future Plans: Attending the University of New England to study Marine Biology & Animal Behavior
Advice for Younger Members: Don't lose confidence if you don't win. 4-H isn't about winning - it's about the experience and memories
4-H Clubs: Rabbit Club, Poultry Club, & Cat Club

Fisher Elrod
Future Plans: Woodland Firefighting
Favorite 4-H Project: Foods/Wearable Art
Advice for Younger Members: Get started early on your projects!

Breece Erickson
Favorite 4-H Project: Sports Drawing
Advice for Younger Members: Stay involved
Future Plans: Attend Alfred University in New York to play tennis and study Business

Wyatt Ernsberger
Advice for Younger Members: Save all the money you earn from the auction
What I've Learned from 4-H: All the work you put in, you get out
Future Plans: Get a BS degree in Exercise Science and obtain a CSCS certification

Gracie Fackelman
Favorite 4-H Memory: Helping newer & younger kids in Rabbit Club
What I've Learned from 4-H: I've learned to open up and be more confident
Advice for Younger Members: If you want to do something, then do it

Grace Frye
Advice to Younger Members: Spoil your animals and enjoy the time you work with them
Favorite 4-H Memory: Going pig shopping with my dad
Future Plans: Study Neuroscience and Biochemistry with plans to become a neurosurgeon

Abigail Gall
Future Plans: Attend Purdue Fort Wayne to study Biology and Pre-Vet
4-H Clubs: Swine Club, Goat Club, Lamb Club, & Beef Club
Advice for Younger Members: Set goals for your 4-H career and enjoy every moment you get to spend in the ring

Brea Garber
What I've Learned from 4-H: I have learned that hard work and dedication pays off
Favorite 4-H Memory: Being able to do 4-H with my cousins
Advice for Younger Members: Take pride in your work

Gage Garber
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning State Champion in the Junior Division for Garden Tractor Club
What I've Learned from 4-H: Punctuality is important
Advice for Younger Members: Get involved in your club and help out within it

Erica Gardner
What I've Learned from 4-H: Various skills like cake decorating, sewing, and how to wire a lamp!
Favorite 4-H Project: Photo board for my room
Favorite 4-H Memory: My first trip to the fair every year to look at my projects

Morgan Gawthrop
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Reserve Grand Champion Heifer last year
4-H Clubs: Swine Club, Dairy Feeder Calf Club, Beef Club, & Ceramics
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to be a good role model and how to win or lose graciously

Caitlyn Glick
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to take better care of my animals
Advice for Younger Members: Don't take anything for granted and work as hard as you can
Favorite 4-H Memory: Helping the younger kids with their animals and meeting new people

Lauren Grant
Favorite 4-H Memory: Helping educate people on cavies (guinea pigs)
Future Plans: Attend Stanford University majoring in Human Biology and studying Neuroscience to become a neurosurgeon
Advice for Younger Members: Try different projects and then do what you really enjoy!

Cadence Groen
Advice to Younger Members: Make sure to be involved in every event your club has to offer - it's worth it to meet new friends
What I've Learned from 4-H: The importance of caring for people
Favorite 4-H Memory: Participating in Battle of the Barns for 2 years

Sophie Grueser
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to build time management and creativity as well as dedication
Favorite 4-H Memory: Meeting new friends
Advice for Younger Members: Don't start your projects late - you'll regret it

Lauren Hibschman
4-H Clubs: Dairy Club & Dairy Feeder Calf Club
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Holstein Senior Showmanship at Indiana State Fair 2021
Future Plans: Attend Ball State to major in nursing

Chelsea Hickman
4-H Clubs: 4-H Media Club, Junior Leaders, Middlebury 4-H Club, Shooting Sports, & Goat Club
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to be a responsible leader
Future Plans: Pediatric Occupational Therapy Specializing in Special Needs

Aubrey Hochstetler
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting 1st in Archery for my age group
Future Plans: Majoring in Nursing @ Grace with a Minor in Youth Ministry
Favorite 4-H Project: A pillow with embroidery font

Treyson Holmes
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting Champion on my goose
What I've Learned from 4-H: Showing animals is hard work
4-H Clubs: Goat Club & Poultry Club

Luke Holsopple
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Grand Champion Commercial Poultry pen & raising birds with my brother
Advice for Younger Members: If you raise animals with siblings, take the opportunity to work through conflicts
Future Plans: Attend Grand Canyon University to study nursing

Trenton Iwema
Favorite 4-H Memory: Almost winning pistol my first year
Advice to Younger Members: Practice as much as you can
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to work through things with others

Paige Jacobs
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Master Showman Poultry and then going on to win Reserve Grand Champion in Round Robin Small Animal
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University to major in Animal Science and minor in Agronomy
Advice for Younger Members: Push yourself to do better and take the opportunities you're given

Eric Jennings
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University and major in Finance
Advice for Younger Members: Figure out what you love doing and keep doing it
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting Champion in Archery in 3rd grade

Kalli Kauffman
Favorite 4-H Project: Researching the history of the piano for Performing Arts
4-H Clubs: Scrapbooking, Cake Decorating, & Performing Arts
Favorite 4-H Memory: Making a poster of my dog Candy

Lauren Keck
Advice for Younger Members: Take on new challenges and try new things. Never give up on your goals!
What I've Learned from 4-H: I've learned teamwork and communication through hands-on projects and activities
Favorite 4-H Project: Gardening

Samantha Kemper
Future Plans: Attend Cedarville University and study medicine
Advice for Younger Members: Enjoy these years and learn all you can
What I've Learned from 4-H: First time doing shotgun

Kolette Kern
Favorite 4-H Memory: Show days because you get to see all your hard work pay off
Advice for Younger Members: Don't be shy!
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to present myself and treat my surrounding environment with integrity

Gabriel Kinne
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Showmanship the first year I participated in Dog Club
Advice for Younger Members: If you don't win at first, keep going and improving until you do win
4-H Clubs: Shooting Sports & Dog Club

Riley Kitson
Advice for Younger Members: Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard
What I've Learned from 4-H: Once you learn how to lose then and only then will you learn how to be a humble winner
Future Plans: Playing Golf at Huntington University while pursuing my Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine

Madison Kliewer
Favorite 4-H Memory: Having the opportunity to participate and volunteer my animal in a blood transfusion to help save a goat in critical condition
4-H Clubs: Goat Club & Poultry Club
Advice for Younger Members: Get involved and take advantage of the wonderful community you get to be a part of!

Julia Koch
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to dedicate and manage time to complete multiple projects
Favorite 4-H Memory: Going to State with my cross-stitch
Future Plans: Attending college and studying Violin Performance and German

Audrey Lantz
Advice for Younger Members: Have fun & be yourself!
What I've Learned From 4-H: Ask for help because everyone is willing to help or answer question
Future Plans: Study exercise science at the University of Missouri St. Louis

Ella Lantz
Advice for Younger Members: Don't take 4-H for granted because you can find lifelong friends
Favorite 4-H Project: Making a scrapbook for my dog
Favorite 4-H Memory: Walking the llamas around and answering people's questions about them!

Onycha Lee
Advice for Younger Members: Enjoy making the project and don't stress about the judging
What I've Learned from 4-H: Stick with something until it is done
Favorite 4-H Project: A colored pencil drawing

Macy Lengacher
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Grand Champion Barrow in 2021
Advice for Younger Members: You create the best memories in 4-H and never take those for granted
What I've Learned from 4-H: The value of working hard and commitment

Dayton Lockwood
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting up early to do chores then going to get a cinnamon roll or biscuits & gravy
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to take care of animals, how to sew, and everything in between
4-H Clubs: Dairy Feeder Calf & Swine Club

Elsa Lund
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Best of Breed Mini Rex Rabbit in 2019
Future Plans: Attend the W.A. Franke Honors College at the University of Arizona and study Political Science
Advice for Younger Members: Remember to have fun!

Andrew Martin
Future Plans: Attend Purdue Fort Wayne for Civil Engineering
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to manage my time efficiently
Advice for Younger Members: Stick with 4-H - it has helped me make so many friends with similar interests to mine
Eli Martin
Advice for Younger Members: Be open to learning new things and willing to share what you've learned with others
Favorite 4-H Memory: Being in Llama Club because I could share information with visitors
4-H Clubs: Bicycle Club, Lovable Llama Club, Camera Corps, & Blacksmithing Club

Zak Martin
Favorite 4-H Project: Goats
What I've Learned from 4-H: Goats will eat anything... but they shouldn't because they have sensitive stomachs
Advice for Younger Members: Don't hesitate to try something new

Isaac Mast
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to be responsible, disciplined, and to keep my composure when my cow isn't cooperating
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting in the honor group for Showmanship multiple times & 3 on 3 basketball
Advice for Younger Members: When showing, always know where the judge is at

Natalie May
Favorite 4-H Project: Drawing because it's very open and you can choose what you want to express
Advice for Younger Members: If you want to be involved in the community, 4-H is a good way to do that
Future Plans: Attend The University of Cumberlands to study Biology and Criminal Justice while playing on the soccer team

Isaac McClimon
Advice for Younger Members: Instead of saying "I can't" ask yourself "how can I?"
4-H Clubs: Rabbit Club, Dog Club, Shooting Sports, & 4-H Fanatics
What I've Learned from 4-H: Don't wait to create things you want

Claire McKenna
Favorite 4-H Memory: Seeing what other members created that were in my category
Advice for Younger Members: Choose the projects you think would have the most fun with
Favorite 4-H Project: Cake Decorating

Ethan Mestach
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University to study Agricultural Systems Management
Advice for Younger Members: Be consistent
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to drive a tractor and use a firearm

Megan Mikel
4-H Clubs: Beef Club, Dairy Feeder Calf, & Rabbit Club
Favorite 4-H Memory: Playing cards in the Dairy Feeder Barn with my friends when I was younger
What I've Learned from 4-H: Put in the hard work so that when fair comes around, it all pays off

Autumn Miller
Advice for Younger Members: Always work hard and never give up on yourself
What I've Learned from 4-H: To always work hard and that success is earned
Favorite 4-H Project: Showing Dairy Cattle

Brianna Miller
What I've Learned from 4-H: To keep trying even when things are difficult
Favorite 4-H Project: My Diamond Dotz cat entry
Advice for Younger Members: Don't be afraid to try new things

Caleb Miller
Advice for Younger Members: Put in the work of working with your animals - it will pay off
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Grand Champion my first year in 4-H
4-H Clubs: Goat Club & Dairy Feeder Calf

Logan Miller
Advice for Younger Members: 4-H is one of the things you'll always look back on fondly, so enjoy the years while you can
Favorite 4-H Project: My model airplane I made my second year of Jr. 4-H
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting 3rd overall my first year of Dairy Feeder Calf

Owen Miller
Future Plans: Running XC and studying Aviation at Rocky Mountain College
Advice for Younger Members: Don't procrastinate
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Showmanship in Goat Club

Derek Moles
Favorite 4-H Memory: Laying in the pen with my pigs
Favorite 4-H Project: Show days with my pigs
Future Plans: Attend the University of Northwestern Ohio

Michael Moore
Favorite 4-H Memory: Watching the crazy rocket launches
Advice for Younger Members: If you find something you love, keep doing it
4-H Clubs: Fairfield Pioneers & Lamb Club

Julia Moser
Favorite 4-H Project: My fishing poster that went to state
Favorite 4-H Memory: Making my fishing posters when I was younger
Advice for Younger Members: Try new things. I never thought I'd like archery, but once I tried it I loved it!

Jazmine Murillo
Future Plans: Study Psychology at Purdue Fort Wayne
What I've Learned from 4-H: No matter what you decide to do, you will always have someone supporting you
Advice for Younger Members: Just because it starts off rough, doesn't mean you should quit. See it as motivation to move forward

Robin Musser
Advice for Younger Members: Keep your head up and don't give up!
Favorite 4-H Memory: Meeting good people
Future Plans: Becoming a diesel mechanic and farmer

Maya Narayan
Favorite 4-H Memory: Attending the Parade of Champions with my show dog in 2019. We won obedience for the 6th year in a row
4-H Clubs: Goshen-Go-Getters, Junior Leaders, & Dog Club
Advice to Younger Members: Take time to go to your club meetings. We often get busy, but make it a priority to go to them

Elliot Newcomer
4-H Clubs: Poultry Club, Goat Club, Swine Club, Beef Club, & Jacksonian Producers
Favorite 4-H Memory: Spending time with my siblings and friends while enjoying the fair and showing our animals
Advice for Younger Members: Don't be afraid to ask questions

Annika Nice
Favorite 4-H Memory: The first time I ever showed animals
Future Plans: Attend BlackHawk East for Equestrian Science
4-H Clubs: Swine Club, Goat Club, Dairy Feeder Calf, & Kreative Kids

Lydia Nisen
Advice for Younger Members: Enjoy the people you meet around you, there are memories being made
What I've Learned from 4-H: The experiences, memories, and friendships made are what's important
Future Plans: Attend Bethel University and major in Elementary Education

Andrew Orn
What I've Learned from 4-H: That you can have fun and learn at the same time
Favorite 4-H Memory: Helping set up the exhibit building
Advice for Younger Members: Keep going, it may be hard, but it's worth it

Elizabeth Ott
4-H Clubs: Llovable Llamas & 21st Century 4-H Club
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Showmanship in the Llama Club
Favorite 4-H Project: Gift wrapping

Micah Peterson
Favorite 4-H Memory: Being 4-H Family of the Year
Future Plans: Production Director and IT Administrator at River Oaks Church
Advice for Younger Members: Don't give up on projects you think are too hard, keep pushing yourself

Madison Powell
What I've Learned from 4-H: Your family and community are willing to help you with your projects, they want to see you succeed
Advice for Younger Members: Enjoy your time in 4-H, it goes by fast
Future Plans: Become a kindergarten teacher

Baylee Randall
Favorite 4-H Memory: Going to the Fair Queen shows at the Grandstands
Favorite 4-H Project: My sunsugar tomatoes, they're always a hit
What I've Learned from 4-H: You have to be responsible and careful when going about things

Camden Ransberger
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to work with others to complete a goal
Favorite 4-H Project: Baking blueberry pie
Advice for Younger Members: Work on your projects as early as possible

Nathan Rasler
Advice for Younger Members: The harder you try and more effort you put in, the better you will feel during fair
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Reserve Grand Champion Barrow
4-H Clubs: Swine Club & Goat Club

Wesley Riegsecker
What I've Learned from 4-H: Practice makes perfect
Favorite 4-H Memory: Shooting clays
Future Plans: Work at Riegsecker Woodworks

Dominic Riffle
4-H Clubs: Goshen-Go-Getters & Shooting Sports
What I've Learned from 4-H: Be responsible and respect others
Future Plans: Heading into my family's construction business

Natalie Risemas
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Goat Club Champion Senior Showman
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University for Veterinary Science
Favorite 4-H Project: Goats

Evan Rosenberry
What I've Learned From 4-H: I've learned how to weld and do woodworking
Future Plans: Purdue Polytechnic to major in Mechanical Engineering
Favorite 4-H Memory: Seeing my projects during fair week

Gavin Roth
Favorite 4-H Memory: Surviving a trip through the ring with a stubborn animal
Advice for Younger Members: Start working with your animals when they are young, it makes a huge difference
What I've Learned from 4-H: You can't change the mind of a 1,200 pound animal

Brandon Schlundt
Advice for Younger Members: It's okay to try something different if you don't like the project you're doing
Favorite 4-H Project: Foods because you get to learn about baking, and you can eat what you make!
Favorite 4-H Memory: Making cookies my first year

Jordyn Selman
4-H Clubs: Shooting Sports
Advice for Younger Members: Try to use the same gun every time so you know how it shoots for trophy shoot!
What I've Learned from 4-H: Proper safety training can make you and the people around you safer when it comes to guns

Nash Shupert
Advice for Younger Members: Have fun and enjoy!
Favorite 4-H Project: Showing my chickens
Favorite 4-H Memory: Going to the concerts at the grandstands

Kate Smith
Favorite 4-H Memory: Making the projects
Favorite 4-H Project: My Home Environment Design Project
What I've Learned from 4-H: Helped me compile my portfolio to get into art school

Emelin Sneddon
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to use skills I was gifted with in different ways
Favorite 4-H Memory: Being Family of the Year and going to State with jewelry
Advice for Younger Members: Don't stop something because you don't seem to be good at it, everything takes time and progress will come

Benjamin Snider
Favorite 4-H Project: My project of the Kraken
Advice to Younger Members: Enjoy your years in 4-H because they go by fast
Favorite 4-H Memory: Seeing my projects on the wall during fair

Kaiden Sprague
Favorite 4-H Project: Making a multistage rocket
Advice for Younger Members: Enjoy everything you do!
Favorite 4-H Memory: Launching my model rockets off

Brianna Stark
4-H Clubs: Rabbit Club, Poultry Club, Goat Club, & Dairy Feeder Calf Club
What I've Learned from 4-H: Better time management and how to be responsible
Advice for Younger Members: It's about the memories, not about what placing you get!

Jeremy Stutzman
Advice for Younger Members: Have fun with it, it is what you make it
What I've Learned from 4-H: There's always a new and creative way I can apply myself
Favorite 4-H Memory: Launching my first rocket and hearing older members talk about how high it went

Kendyll Stutzman
4-H Clubs: Shooting Sports, Fishing Club, Genealogy Club, Busy Bobcats, & Junior Leaders
What I've Learned from 4-H: Many life skills, and how to have fun with helping others
Favorite 4-H Memory: My 3rd year in rocket launch, my airplane-like rocket exploded 3 seconds after launch

Sharan Suthaharan
Future Plans: Attend Purdue University to study Computer Science
What I've Learned from 4-H: The importance of appreciating and giving back to the community
Favorite 4-H Memory: Experiencing the State Fair

Ethan Sutton
Future Plans: Go to college to major in Biological Sciences
Advice for Younger Members: Don't be afraid to try new things, but make sure you don't spread yourself too thin
Favorite 4-H Memory: Riding all the rides and then throwing up my mini moo ice cream

Jillian Sweetser
What I've Learned from 4-H: That I have such a great community
Favorite 4-H Memory: Seeing Flash, the horse, at the homestead barn
Advice for Younger Members: Talk to as many people as you can, you can find great friends so easily!

Graham Templeton
Favorite 4-H Project: Mosaic Garden Stepping Stones
Favorite 4-H Memory: Ringing bells for Salvation Army for volunteer time
Advice for Younger Members: Explore new things, and stay involved with your groups!

Hannah Templeton
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting a Dairy Feeder Calf after only doing exhibit projects
Advice for Younger Members: Don't quit, 4-H is a huge opportunity that not everyone can experience, so take advantage of that!
What I've Learned from 4-H: Not everything goes as planned, but that's how life is

Jessica Tharp
Favorite 4-H Memory: Participating in the Fair Queen Contest and making amazing friends through that
Advice for Younger Members: Stick with it and persevere
Favorite 4-H Project: A model Seaplane I made my 5th year

Noah Troup
Favorite 4-H Memory: Going to State Fair my 1st year
What I've Learned from 4-H: Put in effort and pay attention to the little details because they can make a big difference
Favorite 4-H Project: My 5th grade Model Rocket

Reid Trussell
Advice for Younger Members: Shoot for your dreams and enjoy your younger years
What I've Learned from 4-H: Responsibility and community standards
Favorite 4-H Memory: Battle of the Barns at the end of the week

Gabriella Umbower
Favorite 4-H Project: My floral arrangement from last year
Favorite 4-H Memory: My projects going to the State Fair
Advice for Younger Members: Take the various opportunities that 4-H offers you

Gretchen Van Daele
Advice for Younger Members: Do it for the right reasons, winning isn't everything, but the memories are
What I've Learned from 4-H: The ability to create and stick to a plan
Favorite 4-H Project: My guinea pig I made out of buttons

Mara VanDiepenbos
Advice for Younger Members: Don't stress too much and enjoy every day as it passes
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to be active in my community in different ways
Favorite 4-H Memory: Going to the nursing home and playing bingo with the residents

Meggy VanHooser
Favorite 4-H Memory: Taking pictures for my Photography Posters
Future Plans: Go to Trine University for Elementary Ed
4-H Clubs: Kind Clovers

Jonathan Wesco
4-H Clubs: Foundations-4-Life, Camera Corps, Shooting Sports, Fishing Club, & Bicycle Club
Advice for Younger Members: Most of the time you learn more from mistakes and failures than from purple ribbons
What I've Learned from 4-H: Learning to lead with confidence

Rebecca Whitener
Favorite 4-H Project: Scrapbooking
Advice for Younger Members: It's okay to mess up and learn from those mistakes
Future Plans: Working with children as a teacher or in ministry

Kendall Wiggins
Favorite 4-H Memory: Seeing all the projects at the fair
What I've Learned from 4-H: Changed my worldview by allowing me to expand my artistic abilities
Future Plans: Attend Northern Arizona University as an Exploratory Studies major

Bailey Willard
Advice for Younger Members: Find what you are passionate about and pursue it
Future Plans: Attend the University of Saint Francis to study Physical Therapy Assistant while continuing my basketball career
Favorite 4-H Memory: When the Fishing Club won first at the fair parade

Lillian Woods
4-H Clubs: Poultry Club, Rabbit Club, Kind Clovers, & Media Club
What I've Learned from 4-H: That I want to pursue a career involving poultry
Favorite 4-H Memory: Waiting in line to show my poultry with my friends

Macee Woodworth
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to care and respect animals
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Champion Tom Turkey
4-H Clubs: Swine Club & Poultry Club

Lauren Wuthrich
Favorite 4-H Memory: Winning Grand Champion for the first time for my collection project
Favorite 4-H Project: The photos I take every year for photography
Advice for Younger Members: You never know what you'll like, so try everything!

Blake Wyman
Advice for Younger Members: The harder you work, the better you will be
What I've Learned from 4-H: You have to put the work in to succeed.
Favorite 4-H Memory: My first year I got Reserve Grand Champion with my Crossbred Barrow.

Cameron Yoder
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting Reserve Champion in 2021
Advice for Younger Members: Continue to be active in your club and have fun!
What I've Learned from 4-H: I have learned how to handle guns, bows and arrows with safety

Carson Yoder
Advice for Younger Members: Take your time making your projects and do your best work
What I've Learned from 4-H: How to make models and improving my skills every project
Favorite 4-H Memory: Attending the fair and looking at all of the projects

Danessa Yoder
Favorite 4-H Memory: Getting donuts and frappes with my family before seeing how we did on our projects
What I've Learned from 4-H: Treat people how you want to be treated and be there to support others
Favorite 4-H Project: Wearable Sewing Construction

Ella Yoder
4-H Clubs: Saddle Club, Middlebury 4-H Club & Shooting Sports
Favorite 4-H Memory: Contesting late at night under the lights with country music playing with friends
What I've Learned from 4-H: Patience

Elyse Yoder
What I've Learned from 4-H: It has helped me to put myself out there in front of a crowd
Favorite 4-H Memory: Working the Dippin Dots stand for Lamb Club
Advice for Younger Members: Take the opportunity to be in 4-H because it is a great way to explore your interests

Seth Yoder
Advice for Younger Members: Enjoy every moment because it goes by fast
Future Plans: Attend Indiana Wesleyan university in the fall
Favorite 4-H Memory: Hanging out with my friends in ATV Club

Hannah Zentz
Favorite 4-H Project: My Beauty & the Beast cross-stitch project
Future Plans: Working while continuing my education
Favorite 4-H Memory: Going to State Fair for cross-stitch