Arts & Crafts Ceramics

Beginner Grade 3-5, Intermediate Grade 5-8, Advanced 9-12

  • Exhibits will be judged according to usefulness, originality, choice of material, suitability or design, workmanship, finish and use of color.
  • ALL CRAFT EXHIBITS MUST BE READY TO USE - pictures framed and ready to hang, rugs bound or have suitable finished edge. Those that are not will be marked down one placing when judged.
  • Two State Fair entries will be selected from all the craft categories listed below. Other Crafts will have 4 entries.
  • You must attach Craft Information Card” for description of work completed on the project.
  • All projects must be made by the 4-Her
  • Exhibit must include an exhibit tag attached.
  • Ceramic item may be made from slip (molded), hand formed, or finished from greenware. H. Project must have a felt bottom.
