DeKalb County Agriculture & Natural Resources
Our Agriculture and Natural Resource (ANR) Educator, Elysia Rodgers, can provide research-based, unbiased information to the community on a variety of topics including: crops, agriculture business, livestock, natural resources, horticulture, small farms, urban agriculture, pesticide use, and land conservation. She does this through programs, trainings, home visits and she really enjoys it when you come to the office with a weed or insect to identify (in fact, the whole office enjoys it).
For more information about Agriculture & Natural Resources, visit Purdue Extension - Agriculture & Natural Resources.
Contact Us
DeKalb County
Ag & Natural Resource Educator
Elysia Rodgers
215 East 9th Street, Suite 300
Auburn, IN 46706
(260) 925-2562
Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30am - 4:30pm
** Closed Days under County Events
DeKalb County Agriculture & Natural Resources
For more county specific information, please see the National Agriculture Statistics Survey ( and search for Rent under Commodities, then your county.
Purdue's Farm Stress team is a mix of Health & Human Science educators and Agriculture & Natural Resource educators that have put together some tools, resources, and programs that help farmers adhere to the day-to-day stresses of operating an agricultural business. Discover more at their website, Tools for Today's Farmer: Navigating Uncertain Times.
You can also listen to Tools for Today's Farmers on Spotify.

Do you have an insect that needs identified, a plant that is taking over the front yard, or a tree that doesn't look healthy? Bring it into our office (215 E 9th Street - Suite 300, Auburn) or give us a call (260-925-2562).
Did you know the Master Gardener Program began in the state of Washington in 1972 as a response to an overwhelming demand from home gardeners seeking information from their local Extension Service? Indiana's program started in 1978 and currently over 50 counties have Master Gardener Programs. The Purdue University Master Gardener Program is part of the Extension Service, and has over 2,600 active Master Gardener members who volunteer over 134,000 hours each year!
In DeKalb County, the Master Gardeners have an annual plant sale and they oversee the horticulture displays at the DeKalb County Free Fall Fair each year. Master Gardeners are available to present horticulture programs at local clubs and organizations.
For more information about PARP and to find PARP events around the state, visit the Purdue Pesticide Programs website.
The Purdue Women in Agriculture Team is comprised of Extension Educators and industry representatives. They provide educational opportunities, current resources and a network of support to position all women for success in the agriculture industry through skill development, confident decision making and personal well being.
Check out the Women in Agriculture website for information on their upcoming programs