Junior Leaders

What We Do

The Junior Leader project allows 4-H members in grades 7-12 the opportunity to provide their Adult 4-H Volunteers with additional assistance in their 4-H Clubs and related activities. Junior Leaders also serve as mentors and role models to the younger 4-H members by sharing their experiences with them. Junior Leaders meet on a monthly basis and plan fundraisers, activities and opportunities for their 4-H program and other 4-Hers in the county. 4-Hers can select Junior Leader's as a project through 4-H Online, and must take at least one other 4-H porject to be a Junior Leader.e_-branded-element-1.png
The Cass County Junior Leaders communicate through 4-H Online Broadcasts and a group Remind Chat. If you would like to be added to the Remind, please contact Claire Crum at crumc@purdue.edu to receive the link to the chat! 

Junior Leader Officers

2025 Junior Leader Poinsettia Fundraiser

The Cass County Junior Leaders will be selling Holiday Poinsettias throughout November for $10. More details and order forms will be available soon!

Junior Leader's 2024/ 2025 Meeting Schedule


January: Bowling, Valentines for Vets. 

January 22nd. 6:30-8:00pm

Bring any craft materials you want for making Valentines for our Veterans!


February: Go-Kits and Valentine's Day Party

February 18th, 6:00-8:00pm at the Community Center

Packing Emergency Go-Kits to donate to Area 5 Agency & Valentines Day Party

Bring supplies for the emergency packs and any treats to share for Valentines Party!



March: State Hospital Tour 
Date: TBD
Chairpersons: TBD


April: Junior Leader Easter egg Hunt 

April 9th Meeting and Prep, April 12th Easter Egg Hunt at the Cass County Fairgrounds

We will be stuffing the easter eggs with prizes on Wednesday, April 9th at 6:30pm, with a short buiness meeting to follow and then meeting Saturday April 12th at the Cass County Fairgrounds to hide the eggs and host the Easter Egg Hunt. 

Chairpersons: Event Planners


May: Bingo at McKinney Place Senior Living Center (Now Called Cedar Creek)
May 15th, Time To Be Determined


June: Fair Set-up and
Date TBD, 9:00-11:30am
Chairpersons: TBD


July: Fair Week Activities  

July 5th-11th 2025

Volunteering in the Community Center July 6th-12th 

Red Cross Blood Drive 

Stock The Trailer Food Collections 


August: Fair Review, NEw Member Meet & Greet 

Date TBD at 6:30 pm at the Community Center 


2024 Junior Leader Ambassadors & Scholarship

Congratulations to our 2024 Junior Leader Ambassadors, Bailey Mills and Kendric Personett.  

This year, there were five Junior Leaders who took part in the Ambassador Program to raise funds for the Junior Leader Scholarship. All five participants collected funds throughout fair week, with Kendric and Bailey earning the title of Ambassdaor by collecting the most. Togther, the five participants collected over $1,500.00. 

Additioanlly, the Best of Cass County basket, made by our Summer Intern and former Junior Leader, Lexi Freemna, was auctioned off durng the 4-H Auction. The basket raised over $800.00 to be contributed to the scholarship fund. 
