Volunteers are the backbone of 4-H in Cass County. They provide knowledge, leadership, skills and experience to our youth and their families. They donate their times and resources to ensure that all 4-Hers are able to learn and grow in a safe place. Thank you 4-H volunteers, for helping grow the next generation of future leaders! 

Volunteer opportunities for Cass County in 2024:

  • Help with a one time event/program
    • Assist with project judging dates, Fashion Revue, tractor pulls, livestock shows or other events that require some adult assistance and experience.
  • Lead a 4-H Club
    • organize meetings and activities and serve as a point of contact for the 4-Hers in your township.
  • Help with a specific 4-H project
    • Share you interest or skills by helping with a specific project by helping at project judging, leading a workshop, of serving as a reference for youth as they learn and work on their project. 
  • Join the Cass County Mini 4-H Day Camp Committee 
    • Help to plan activities, organize livestock visits and help wrangle the youth at the annual Mini 4-H Day camp each summer! 
  • Sit on a county governing board
    • Serve as a member of the Cass County 4-H Council or serve as a Cass County 4-H Director.
  • Serve on the Cass County 4-H Community Center Committee
    • Assist with setting up, decorating, arranging and managing the Cass County Community Center during the fair, to display the 4-H projects during fair week! 
  • Serve on the Cass County 4- Awards Committee
    • Help to organize sponsors, choose awards, coordinate with specie livestock chairs for livestock trophies and awards. 

Volunteer Enrollment

Create a 4-H Online account to enroll, or login to your 4-H Online account to re-enroll as a volunteer!

Volunteer Resources

All volunteers must have completed the appropriate paperwork to apply and be accepted as a volunteer. Please use the checklist below to ensur you have completed all steps to be a 4-H volunteer in Cass County.

All adult volunteers must have three references from credible adults (not immediate family) to vouch for their character before being approved as a volunteer to work with youth. These reference are only submitted once, and are recorded by the Extension office- not completed yearly! Please send all reference to cassces@purdue.edu


This application is required for all volunteers. It only needs to be completed once as a volunteer. One complete, submit to the Extension office at cassces@purdue.edu.

Adult Volunteer Application

If you are interested in becoming a livestock committee member, please email Claire Crum, Cass County 4-H Educator, at crumc@purdue.edu, and includude the information requested in the form below. 
