4-H Animal Projects
Brown County 4-H Animal Projects
Breeding heifers, steers, feeder steers, and market heifers are part of the beef cattle project. Purebred and crossbred beef animals are acceptable. Steers and feeder steers also include dairy breeds. All beef animals must be dehorned.
Classes for heifers run from senior yearling heifers that are born after September 1 of two years previous to the current fair year to junior heifer calves that are born right before the fair.
Beef and dairy beef feeder steer classes are for castrated males born after January 1 of the current fair year.
Beef and dairy beef steer classes are for castrated males born after January 1 in the year prior to the current fair year.
The market heifer class is for females that are a beef breed, will be sent to market, and were born after January 1 in the year prior to the current fair year.
Dairy females are part of the dairy cattle project and can be shown at any age at the fair. Dairy breeds include Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jersey, and Milking Shorthorn.
These animals must be properly dehorned.
Cats of any size or shape from four months of age and older can be shown as part of the cat project. A yearly 4-H Cat Vaccination Form is required for show and can be found here under the "Forms" tab.
Cats are judged on health, cleanliness, grooming, and personality. Fun classes include cage decorations and cat costumes.
Participation in the dog project is an excellent opportunity to train your family's pet and have fun. Exhibitors train their pooch for obedience, showmanship, and agility classes during club meetings, so club participation is highly recommended for this project.
Dogs from six months of age and older can participate. Before attending club practices, 4-Hers must have their vet complete the 4-H Dog Vaccination Form that can be found here under the "Forms" tab.