Adams County HHS Information

Welcome to the Adams County Health and Human Science page!

I am Lizzy Lenart, and I am the HHS Educator for Adams County. Originally from southern Indiana, I am excited to get to know the community members of Adams County. My background is in family and community public health. My passion areas include mental health, positive youth development, and overall wellness.

What does HHS do?

Purdue Extension HHS provides education to individuals and communities in each of Indiana’s diverse counties. We bring university information to the local level – both in person and online – to help people strengthen relationships, eat smart, improve health, and achieve financial wellness.

Our primary focus areas are: family, money, food, and health. See descriptions of each of these focus areas below.

I structure my programming around the Eight Dimensions of Wellness (Swarbrick, 2006). According to this approach, the dimensions of wellness include: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, and social. HHS programming aims to improve one or multiple of these dimensions at a time. 



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Contact Lizzy

Lizzy Lenart, MPH

Adams County Health & Human Sciences Extension Educator

Address: 313 W Jefferson St, Suite 213
Decatur, IN 46733

Phone: (260) 724-5322



HHS Resources

  • Food: Healthy eating, meal preparation, and food's impact on health
  • Family: Education for parenting, childcare, school readiness, and relationships
  • Money: Smart choices and maximizing finances for your household
  • Health: Improve overall health and wellness

What is Extension Homemakers? 

Extension Homemakers is a group of people who meet on a regular basis in a club members homes to receive up-to-date research based information on the home, family, and community life. Topics include health, nutrition and safety, resource management, family life/human development, cultural arts and textiles, and leadership development. Additional benefits include idea sharing, fellowship, and community service. See our flyer for more information!

How do I get involved? 

You can attend any or all of the Homemaker's fall classes! Information can be found in the Homemaker Fall Schedule. Classes take place at the Adams County Fairgrounds, unless otherwise noted. 
If you are interested in becoming a member, text or email our President, Patti Hogg, or call the Extension Office.
Patti Hogg's contact information
Phone: (260)223-5329

Fall Cooking Class with Lizzy

What: Join us for an educational fall cooking class! You will get to sample a fall recipe and learn about healthy baking substitutions, nutrition labels, and more!

When: October 1st, 2024 at 6pm

Where: Adams County Fairgrounds Conference Room

Cost: Free

RSVP: RSVP by calling the office by September 24th, 2024


Staying Scam Safe

What: Learn how to safely use technology to reduce the risk of being a scam victim, and how to identify and prevent common scams. Hear from Sheriff Mawhorr about other tips when it comes to scam safety. 

When: October 22nd, 2024 at 1pm

Where: The MERIT Center, located at 1109 Dayton Street, Decatur, IN 46733

Cost: Free

RSVP: RSVP by calling Patti at (260)223-5329 by October 17th, 2024


Nutrition and Fitness

What: Learn about nutrition and fitness. Adams Memorial Hospital will lead participants through a yoga exercise to learn about the benefits of staying active! 

When: October 29th, 2024 at 1pm

Where: The MERIT Center, located at 1109 Dayton Street, Decatur, IN 46733

Cost: Free

RSVP: RSVP by calling Patti at (260)223-5329 by October 22nd, 2024

Do you see a health need in the community?

I am always looking for partnerships to help provide education to the community. If you know or are involved with an organization that would benefit from education, please do not hesitate to reach out. Similarly, if you notice a health need in Adams County, please email me at so we can work to make Adams County a healthier place!