The Farm Management Team produces and provides a list of resources for producers to help provide up-to-date information and news on horticulture related topics. Below are pages for Financial Management and Land Lease resources; click below to see the complete list of resources.
Contact Us
Michael Langemeier
Associate Director, Center for Commercial Agriculture,
Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics
(765) 494-9557
Jenna Nees
Extension Educator – ANR
Purdue Extension – Putnam County
(765) 653-8411
Ag Econ Economy Barometer
The Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer is a nationwide measure of the health of the U.S. agricultural economy. On the first Tuesday of each month, the Ag Economy Barometer provides a sense of the agricultural economy’s health with an index value.
Ag Econ Economy BarometerCenter for Commercial Agriculture
Center for Commercial Agriculture was developed to provide farmers key educational information for commercial farmers. The center does webinars on many financial and marketing information throughout the year and many times are done around important crop and livestock reports from USDA. They also provide information on crop insurance and land leasing.
Center for Commercial AgricultureCrop Basis Tool
The Purdue Center for Commercial Agriculture’s Crop Basis Tool can be used to examine weekly, nearby and deferred basis for corn and soybeans in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. Daily cash price data from individual grain elevators and processors are averaged within each crop reporting district to create a regional average cash price series. The regional average cash price data is used to compute weekly basis (cash price minus futures price) for corn and soybeans, using Wednesday cash and futures prices to generate weekly basis data for each crop and crop reporting region.
Purdue Crop Cost and Return Guide
The Purdue Crop Cost and Return Guide offers farmers a resource to project financials for the coming cropping year. These are the November crop budget estimations for each year; prepared by Purdue faculty members Michael Langemeier and Craig Dobbins, Department of Agricultural Economics; Bob Nielsen, Tony Vyn and Shaun Casteel, Department of Agronomy; and Bill Johnson, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology.
Purdue Crop Cost and Return GuideResources from the Center of Commercial Agriculture
This is a periodical written by the Ag Economics Department professors and specialists. It gives a great deal of analysis to current economic activity in agriculture. The August PAER report is a very popular report because it is the issue that looks at the trends of farmland prices and rental rates.
Resources from the Center of Commercial AgriculturePAER- Purdue Agriculture Economics Report
This is a periodical written by the Ag Economics Department professors and specialists. It gives a great deal of analysis to current economic activity in agriculture. The August PAER report is a very popular report because it is the issue that looks at the trends of farmland prices and rental rates.
PAER- Purdue Agriculture Economics ReportPurdue Center for Family Business
The Purdue Institute for Family Business (PIFB) provides multi-generational family businesses with research-based business management resources aimed at improving personal leadership performance and driving operational growth. Our ambition is to prepare family business owners, managers, and stakeholders (including non-owner spouses and future owners) to be effective stewards of their family enterprises.
Purdue Center for Family BusinessFarm Custom Rates - Indiana
Surveys are completed throughout the state and summarized every two years to provide a report on current custom rates in Indiana.
Farm Custom Rates - IndianaFarm Custom Rates - Iowa
This survey is very through and has good information. Many times, it is good to look at the Purdue Custom Rate Report as well as Iowa State report to get a more accurate average and larger pool of data.
Farm Custom Rates - IowaFarmdoc - University of Illinois
Farmdoc is similar to CCA website; however, there are differences. Farmdoc has daily articles related to farm management and marketing. They also have extensive list of tools that are available to use. The website covers marketing and outlook, crop insurance, management, agricultural law, and policy. They also have daily commodity prices. Their FAST tool calculates per-acre budgets for different crops and a whole farm budget and includes breakeven analysis. Projected financial statements and return sensitivities are available. The effects of farm level crop insurance and hedging can be analyzed. Farmdoc daily is always a good place to go to get current information on marketing and agricultural news that effect markets.
FarmdocMidwest Cover Crops Council
The Midwest Cover Crop Council (MCCC) seeks to increase the amount of continuous living cover on the Upper Midwestern agricultural landscape. This is completed in 5 different priorities which include policy, communications/networking development, research, education/outreach, and fundraising.
Midwest Cover Crops CouncilMidwest Cover Crops Council - Selector Tool
The MCCC has a selector tool that can be utilized to help select the proper cover crops to be used on a field depending on the individual goals that are to be achieved.
Midwest Cover Crops Council - Selector Tool