Our Team
Sarah Hanson
Sarah Hanson is the Food Systems Coordinator for Indiana. Her work supports diverse farms and value-added food businesses. She has a focus on local food and has been involved with local food council efforts. Sarah is on the Small Farm Conference team. She also is involved with connecting people to food safety and health partners.
Prior to this role, she was the Ag/Natural Resources Purdue Extension Educator in Johnson County for 10 years.
Nathan Shoaf
Nathan Shoaf, received his M.S. in Ecological Sciences and Engineering from Purdue University with a focus on horticulture and soil microbiology. He has over 20 years of experience working with stakeholders in urban farms and specialty farm production throughout the United States. Areas of interest: soil health, remediation, contaminant fate and transport, risk perception, and science communication. Nathan collaborates with stakeholders, Extension staff, and faculty to enhance Extension’s statewide programming and resources.