For 2022, there will be a Statewide Virtual Purdue EMG Basic Training from February 1 – May 3, 2022 (does not includes final exam due...
For 2022, there will be a Statewide Virtual Purdue EMG Basic Training from February 1 – May 3, 2022 (does not includes final exam due...
Retirement is one of few financial goals that people cannot borrow money for. There is no such thing as a “retirement loan.” Therefore,...
Setting up an artificial tree for Christmas is nice and may give you the perfect tree shape, but nothing can replace the memories made with family...
The holiday season can be a busy and stressful time for families. Along with those hectic schedules, the cold winter weather can make it...
Last weekend when I was outside, I got reminded that it is time to be on the lookout for a few of those nuisance insects we annually deal with. The...
Refrigerators and freezers are two of the most important pieces of equipment in the kitchen for keeping food safe. We are instantly reminded of...
Remember that old saying, "you are what you eat" which is the basis of good skin color and overall health. Our choice of food and...
Many times, lease agreements must be negotiated in order to meet the needs and expectations for both landlords and tenants. The Purdue Land Lease...
Can You Eat your Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin? It's fall and thoughts turn to pumpkins! Can that large pumpkin sitting on your front porch still be...
Remember that old saying, "you are what you eat" which is the basis of good skin color and overall health. Our choice of food and...
There are many things that make fall time in Indiana great. One of those things is the drastic change in leaf color that can be seen while driving...
It’s gone. They ate everything. Nothing is left. Those are words used to describe the destruction caused by fall armyworms recently in Putnam...
People all around the world are affected by scams every single day. Are you prepared to react if you suspect a scam? If you are not, consider...
Mission Impossible or Possible: Can you eat healthy at the fair? The fair comes around each year, and for many of us who are trying to make...
Firearms - (Handgun, Rifle and Shotgun) Organizational Meeting - Monday, June 14th @ 7PM- Cloverdale Conservation Club
There are three exhibit grade level divisions; Grades 3-5, Beginner Grades 6-8, Intermediate Grades 9-12, Advanced.
Each county will be allowed to send one flower and plant exhibit per category per level and one poster or notebook exhibit per level and one...
County may send one exhibit from each level, in addition to independent study or mentoring options - a total of four.
Did you know that May is National Beef Month? With Memorial Day right around the corner, it’s time to fire up your grills and officially...