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Weather and Climate Science (2021)

Weather and Climate Science 

State Fair Exhibits:

County may send one exhibit from each level, in addition to independent study or mentoring options - a total of four.


General Requirements:

Comply with all the requirements listed at the beginning of this “4-H Exhibit Hall Project” section  page 54 and “Indiana and Putnam County 4-H Policy/ Terms” section page 21.

Project Instructions

Create an exhibit that shows the public what you learned in the weather and climate project this year.  Poster exhibits must be displayed horizontally, and 22” x 28” foam-core board or poster board mounted on a firm backing, and covered in clear plastic or other transparent material. Notebook exhibits must be displayed in a standard three ring binder.  Choose one of the options listed below, appropriate for your grade in school.  Use an appropriate exhibit title.  Be sure to include a label with your name, grade, 4-H club, and county in the lower right hand corner.

Level 1

  1. A poster related to an activity from the level 1 manual.
  2. A poster and/or notebook of a weather or climate related science experiment appropriate for grades 3-5

Level 2

  1. A poster related to an activity from the level 2 manual
  2. A poster and/or notebook of a weather or climate related science experiment appropriate for grades 6-8

Level 3

  1. A poster related to an activity from the level 3 manual
  2. A poster and/or notebook of a weather or climate related science experiment appropriate for grades 9-12.
  3. Independent Study– Learn all you can about a weather and/or climate topic, program, facility, project, etc. and present it on a poster or in a notebook. Include a short manuscript, pictures, graphs, and list the works cited to describe what you did and what you learned.  Title your poster or notebook, “ Advanced Weather and Climate Science-Independent Study”.
  4. Mentoring– Exhibit a poster of notebook that shows how you mentored a younger 4-H member. Include your planning, the time you spent, the challenges and advantages of mentoring, and how the experience might be useful in your life.  Photographs and other documentation are encouraged.  Title your poster, “Advanced Weather and Climate Science-Mentor.”


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