State Fair Exhibits:
A county may submit a total of three state fair entries, one entry per grade level division.
State Fair Interactive Demonstrations may also be given in this project.
General requirements:
Comply with all the requirements listed at the beginning of this “4-H Exhibit Hall Project” section page 54 and “Indiana and Putnam County 4-H Policy/ Terms” section page 21.
There are three exhibit grade level divisions;
Grades 3-5, Beginner
Grades 6-8, Intermediate
Grades 9-12, Advanced.
Exhibits are to be skill appropriate for the member’s grade level.
Youth enrolled in the computer project will select one of the below subject categories to study, regardless of grade. Youth may choose to create an exhibit demonstrating skills learned during the year. Check with your county Purdue Extension Office to determine if a computer will be available during judging and if there will be an opportunity to explain your exhibit to the judge. Exhibits qualifying for state fair are to be submitted on a thumb drive securely attached to a notebook/portfolio describing accomplishments, skills learned, design ideas, budget, a summary of what was done, screenshots showing the development and final project, etc. as the exhibitor will not be able to discuss their work with a judge. Poster exhibits 22”x28” or freestanding 3-dimensional display boards no larger than 36”x36” may be submitted. Youth may continue in the same subject category in subsequent years expand on the previous year’s topic, or choose a new topic.
Subject categories are:
Block Based Programming
Text Based Programming
Web Design and Computer Entrepreneurship
Computer Forensics
Hardware and Networking Design/Install/Repair
Graphic Design and Computer Art
Software submitted to be reviewed by a judge must be compatible on both PC and Mac platform. If additional software other than Microsoft Office Suite is required to view the member’s work, that software must be provided by the member and comply with all manufacturer copyright laws. Apps can be Android or IOS compatible.
All notebooks/portfolios must include a reference list indicating where information was obtained, giving credit to the original author, to complete the 4-H member’s exhibit. This reference list should/might include web site links, people and professionals interviewed, books, magazines, etc. It is recommended this reference list be the last page of a notebook or included as part of the display visible to the public. A judge is not to discredit an exhibit for the manner in which references are listed.
Blocked Based Programming:
Beginner – Grades 3-5 – Create a block based program using Scratch, Code Studio, Alice, or another graphic programming language of your choice. You should comment your work and it must include at least ten different commands. Skills this program could use are:
Intermediate Grades 6-8 – Create a block based program using Scratch, Code Studio, Alice, or another graphic programming language of your choice. You should comment your work and it must include at least ten different commands. Skills this program could use are:
Advanced Grades 9-12 – Create a block based program using Scratch, Code Studio, Alice, or another graphic programming language of your choice. You should comment your work and it must include at least ten different commands. Skills this program could use are: