
A first tier to becoming more engaged and “in the know.” Purdue Extension looks to connect with farmers and crop professionals to better understand the needs and interests. We want to serve the farm and the people in a fully engaged and cooperative manner so we can provide resources, train people, and research topics for your decisions. 

Your answers to a questionnaire direct our outreach efforts. With the cooperation of people like you, we had better understanding of the impacts of the fertilizer prices and decisions that were being considered during Fall 2021 to Spring 2022. As a result, we were delivered more targeted resources for your decisions (e.g., economic nitrogen management, can we skip a fertilizer application) via newsletters, podcasts, and presentations.  

Your opinion counts. A large number of products are marketed to the farm every year. The act of taking a few minutes to fill out an online survey directed our research evaluation of biological products in soybean in 2022 and now, provide the results for your 2023 decisions. We will continue to call upon your cooperation, so we can better serve you through resources, outreach, and research.  

Questionnaire Video


Scott Gabbard

Purdue On The Farm Senior Administrator



2023 Evaluation of Biologicals for Soybean (click Here)

There are nearly 100 products on the market. We want your input to determine which biologicals are of most interest to you to direct our evaluation.

Survey closes April 30th