Our Team

Nathan Shoaf

Nathan Shoaf

Purdue Extension
Diversified Farming and Food Systems Program Leader and Urban Agriculture Specialist

Nathan Shoaf, received his M.S. in Ecological Sciences and Engineering from Purdue University with a focus on horticulture and soil microbiology. He has over 20 years of experience working with stakeholders in urban farms and specialty farm production throughout the United States. Areas of interest: soil health, remediation, contaminant fate and transport, risk perception, and science communication. Nathan collaborates with stakeholders, Extension staff, and faculty to enhance Extension’s statewide programming and resources.

Amy Thompson

Amy Thompson

Purdue Extension
Beginning Farmer Coordinator
Ashley Adair

Ashley Adair

Agriculture & Natural Resources
Extension Organic Agriculture Specialist
Ashley Adair is the Extension Organic Agriculture Specialist at Purdue University. In her role, she assists a broad range of organic growers around the state of Indiana with organic management and certification issues. She covers all types of organic crops, ranging from grain to fruits and vegetables. She also coordinates with researchers at Purdue and beyond to address the many questions that organic growers find themselves asking while practicing organic methods. She is involved in organizing Purdue Extension events that serve organic farmers, including the Indiana Organic Grain Farmer Meeting and the Indiana Small Farm Conference.
Richard Beckort

Richard Beckort

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator
Sarah Brackney

Sarah Brackney

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator - Daviess County
Veronica Bullock

Veronica Bullock

Purdue Extension
Franklin County Extension Director
Veronica Bullock serves as the Agricultural & Natural Resource Educator and County Extension Director in Franklin County, providing programming, expertise, and researched based knowledge to the local community and community agencies focusing on the areas of natural resource conservation, horticulture, field crops, and farm management.
Phillip Cox

Phillip Cox

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator - Vermillion County
Phillip Cox is the Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator in Vermillion County. He is on the Indiana Small Farm Conference team and has served on the Trade Show subcommittee for the past several years. He also coordinates programming that includes such topics as pesticide safety, native plants, invasive species, gardening, natural resources, farming, wildlife management, and forestry.
Sara Dzimianski

Sara Dzimianski

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator - Perry County

Sara Dzimianski is the Purdue Extension Educator for Agriculture and Natural Resources based in Perry County, and serves statewide as a sheep and goat specialist. Her primary areas of interest are dairy goat management, and parasite management in sheep and goat production. She also coordinates programming that includes such topics as pesticide safety, beekeeping, beef production, invasive species management, and gardening.

Wenjing Guan

Wenjing Guan

Purdue Extension
Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Wenjing Guan is a horticultural specialist. Her research and extension programs focus on developing and delivering sustainable production practice for vegetable, melon, and strawberry production. She is an expert in vegetable grafting

Sarah Hanson

Sarah Hanson

Purdue Extension
Food Systems Coordinator

Sarah Hanson is the Food Systems Coordinator for Indiana. Her work supports diverse farms and value-added food businesses. She has a focus on local food and has been involved with local food council efforts. Sarah is on the Small Farm Conference team. She also is involved with connecting people to food safety and health partners.

Prior to this role, she was the Ag/Natural Resources Purdue Extension Educator in Johnson county for 10 years.

Andrea Hatfield

Andrea Hatfield

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator
Jeff Hermesch

Jeff Hermesch

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator - Dearborn County

Jeff Hermesch is the Agriculture & Natural Resources/Community Development Educator in Dearborn County. He has been involved in a variety of Extension programming including Master Gardener, consumer and commercial horticulture, field crop production, local foods, soil health, Purdue Hops Team, and DIY Lawn Care Team. His specialty is in Turfgrass Science where he has worked in several communities to enhance green spaces including parks and athletic complexes.

Mathias Ingle

Mathias Ingle

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator - Howard County

Mathias Ingle is the Ag & Natural Resources Extension Educator in Howard County (Kokomo, IN). Mathias is a newer educator to the group, starting in April of 2019. He coordinates the local programming on a local level to serve the community.

Laura Ingwell

Laura Ingwell

Purdue Entomology
Assistant Professor Horticulture Extension Entomology

Dr. Ingwell conducts research and creates resources for insect pest management on fruits and vegetables. Her areas of expertise include pest management in controlled environments, urban agriculture, biological control and insect exclusion techniques. She also leads the content organization for the Indiana Small Farm Conference.

Michele Jones

Michele Jones

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator - Morgan County

Michele Jones is based in Morgan County and is relatively new to Extension. She has a background in dairy farming and coordinates programming that includes gardening, vermicomposting, and soil health.

Rebecca Koetz

Rebecca 'Becca' Koetz

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator - Lake County

Rebecca Koetz is the Urban Agriculture Educator in Lake County. She focuses on food systems work, food justice, beginning farmers, urban agriculture, sustainable agriculture, youth natural resources and gardening, community gardens, and Master Gardeners.

Petrus Langenhoven

Petrus Langenhoven

Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Horticulture and Hydroponic Crop Specialist

Petrus Langenhoven is Horticulture and Hydroponics Crops Specialist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. His strong background in horticulture production research and Extension allows him to leverage research and Extension programming around new technologies and expertise in high tunnel and greenhouse management, and open field vegetable production. His skills propel him to engage in new crop development activities such as microgreens, personalized specialty cantaloupe, leafy amaranth, summer squash, sweet colored and chili pepper, and peppermint production.

Liz Maynard

Liz Maynard

Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Clinical Engagement Assistant Professor
Liz Maynard works with vegetable farmers on production issues in the field and high tunnel, including stand establishment, transplant production, cultural practices, irrigation, soil fertility and plant mineral nutrition, and variety selection.
Karen Mitchell

Karen Mitchell

Purdue Extension
Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Karen Mitchell is the Consumer Horticulture Extension Specialist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. Karen’s passion for plants led her to complete a Bachelor’s degree in Horticulture and Master’s in Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue University. She served as the Ag and Natural Resources Educator in Tippecanoe County for six years before transitioning onto campus where she is able to continue her statewide extension programming for community gardens and home horticulture.

Amanda Moisman

Amanda Moisman

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator - Warrick County

Amanda Mosiman, Amanda’s DFFS expertise is aiding farm market masters and direct marketing vendors to understand proper food safety protocols and state / county regulations. She also enjoys aiding small livestock producers.

Jeffery Pell

Jeffery Pell

Purdue Extension
Extension Specialist - Hendricks County

Jeffery Pell is serving on the Exhibitors committee and the Content committee. He is working on planning an animal marketing tour for the first day of the conference and assisting in recruiting presenters for the youth track. In addition, He is working on the logistics of the Exhibitors part of the conference and serve as the liaison for non-stationed items for the booth.

Kwamena Quagrainie

Kwamena Quagrainie

Purdue Extension
Aquaculture / Aquaponics Economist and Marketing Specialist
Kwamena Quagrainie holds a joint appointment in Agricultural Economics Dept (70%) and Forestry and Natural Resources Dept (30%). He is also affiliated with the Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant program as Aquaculture Economist & Marketing Specialist. He works with the aquaculture / aquaponics industries in Illinois and Indiana, aquaculture producers, aquaculture associations, distributors, restaurants, and consumers to develop viable markets for Indiana and Illinois farm-raised aquaculture products.
Bob Rode

Bob Rode

Forestry and Natural Resources
Aquaculture Research Lab Manager
Courtney Schmidt

Courtney Schmidt

Purdue Extension
County Extension Director - Miami County

Courtney Schmidt serves as the Agricultural & Natural Resource & Health & Human Sciences Educator in Miami County. She holds an Indiana casualty and property insurance license and has experience working with commercial and agribusiness clients in risk management.

Amy Shambach

Amy Shambach

Forestry and Natural Resources
Aquaculture Marketing Outreach Associate

Amy Shambach is Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant's (IISG) aquaculture marketing outreach associate who works with the aquaculture industry in the USDA’s North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. Her work focuses on the demand side of domestic farm raised seafood products. She provides outreach and extension services to producers, potential producers, and consumers. Along with Dr. Kwamena Quagrainie, producers, aquaculture associations, and consumers she works to determine the needs of stakeholders.

Ed Sheldon

Ed Sheldon

Ed Sheldon is the Engagement Coordinator for the Indiana and national AgrAbility projects, supporting farmers, agricultural workers, and  families impacted by disability.  He also conducts farm safety and rural emergency preparedness extension and outreach efforts.
Beth Vansickle

Beth Vansickle

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator - Madison County
Beth Vansickle is based in Madison County. She coordinates programming that includes such topics on gardening, beginning livestock and production livestock.
James Wolff

James Wolff

Purdue Extension
Extension Educator - Allen County
James Wolff is the Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator in Allen County. He works with a variety of agricultural issues and focuses on beginning farmers, farmers markets, urban agriculture, site assessment, and hops production.