Beginning Farmer Signature Program


The Beginning Farmer Signature Program explores four modules that include in-class instruction and individual work by each participant.

Each participant will be encouraged to explore outside resources presented in the class as well as other resources shared by classmates. Once participants have finished, they will gain a clearer perspective of how to plan out projects on their farm and move forward toward a more efficient, sustainable farm and more feasible, achievable goals.

Program facilitator’s should familiarize themselves with the entirety of A Beginning Farmer Workbook: How to Plan, Support, and Grow Your Farm or Ranch (ID-487) and the Beginning Farmer Facilitator’s Guide.


The goal of this program is to support new and beginning farmers and help them find success by creating a careful and practical plan that lists their current assets, defines achievable goals, and develops a feasible action plan.


The four modules should be taught in seven classes of approximately two hours each. However, participants will require additional time to complete assignments to take full advantage of the class. Over the duration of the course, participants should anticipate 10 to 15 hours of additional work outside class on individual assignments. It is recommended that the class be taught on seven separate days in order to create a group of farmers who learn together and develop a bond that fosters networking in the future.

Contact Us

Amy Thompson

Beginning Farmer Coordinator
Diversified Farming and Food Systems 

615 Mitch Daniels Blvd. 
West Lafayette, IN 47907
(765) 496-1930


Beginning Farmer Flyer, registration info

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