
Our Partners

Purdue Extension’s Diversified Farming and Food Systems program partners with many agencies across Indiana. Many of these organizations have resources that can support you as a diversified or beginning farmer, help you link with others in the local food systems, or whether you want to network with other professionals that work in similar areas. Get to know your local organizations and officials to learn about programs they have for people like you and to find ways to connect to others in diversified farming and food systems throughout the state.


USDA - NRCS is an agency committed to “helping people help the land”— our mission is to help farmers and landowners address their natural resource concerns on their land.  NRCS can develop a conservation plan, a roadmap for identifying concerns and practices to address them.  Financial assistance is also available to help pay for conservation practices.  Additional benefits are available to Small and Organic Farms; Beginning,Socially Disadvantagedand Military Veteran Farmers.  Ensuring productive lands in harmony with a healthy environment is our priority.  Indiana NRCS employees service every county out of the USDA Service Centers, and work closely with the local county Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

Natural Resources Conservation Service Website



Jerry Raynor

(IASWCD) works at a state level to promote and enhance conservation. We do this through legislative advocacy, public outreach, and supporting our member Indiana’s 92 Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) in their local work. The IASWCD represents the interests of local Districts as one voice, and assists their leadership through coordination and education for the wise use and management of our natural resources.

Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts



Joe Schmees


Phone: (317) 692 -7325

The demand for locally made products is at an all-time high, which is what prompted the Indiana State Department of Agriculture to create Indiana Grown – a statewide branding initiative. By allowing our members to use the Indiana Grown logo on their products, the initiative aims to not only form a clearer designation of which products truly come from Indiana, but to also help Hoosier consumers easily identify and buy these products. The three major components of the initiative include:  Helping Indiana farmers and producers have a greater market for their products, Supporting Indiana processers in their effort to process more Indiana Grown products, Educating consumers on the importance of buying Indiana Grown products.

Indiana Grown



One North Capitol Avenue, Suite 600, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 232-8770

SARE’s mission is to advance agriculture innovations that improve profitability, stewardship and quality of life. Since 1988, SARE has funded more than 5,000 projects with grants for farmers, ranchers, extension agents and educators, researchers, nonprofits, students, communities and others. Click on the SARE logo to apply for grants offered in Indiana.

The SARE Learning Center Online connects you with expert advice and free SARE published materials on your diversified farming needs.

Follow Indiana SARE on Facebook to keep up with sustainable agriculture funding opportunities, events, and resources in your area.

North Central SARE Website



Lais McCartney
SARE Indiana Coordinator, Purdue University Extension
Phone: (317) 462-1113

Farm Service Agency is equitably serving all farmers, ranchers, and agricultural partners through the delivery of effective, efficient agricultural programs for all Americans.

Farm Service Agency



 The Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition are young farmers and food advocates working to recruit, support, and promote young and beginning farmers throughout the state of Indiana.

The Hoosier Young Farmers Coalitions seek to create a lively network of young farmers and their allies and collaborate in making our food systems more localized, sustainable, and just.


Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition WEBSITE




USDA Rural Development is committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in rural America. Through our programs, we help rural Americans in many ways. Together, America Prospers.


View Rural Development
