Our Team

Nathan Shoaf
Purdue Extension
DFFS Program Leader and Urban Agriculture Specialist
Nathan Shoaf, received his M.S. in Ecological Sciences and Engineering from Purdue University with a focus on horticulture and soil microbiology. He has over 20 years of experience working with stakeholders in urban farms and specialty farm production throughout the United States. Areas of interest: soil health, remediation, contaminant fate and transport, risk perception, and science communication. Nathan collaborates with stakeholders, Extension staff, and faculty to enhance Extension’s statewide programming and resources.

Liz Brownlee
Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition, Partners IN Food and Farming
Our farm raises livestock on pasture. I also work part-time off farm helping to create field days, mentorship programs, and other events where farmers can learn and build up the sustainable food community.

Jerod Chew
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
District Conservationist

Will Fett
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Outreach Coordinator
Will Fett works with a diverse set of audiences including organic and transitioning farmers, small and limited resource farmers, women, specialty crop producers, Hispanic producers, veterans, and traditionally underserved audiences connecting them with conservation practices and programs. He is the state coordinator for beginning farmers and ranchers representing USDA agencies including the Farm Service Agency, NRCS, Rural Development, and the Risk Management Agency. He assists beginning farmers and ranchers in accessing USDA programs.

Jill Reinhart
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Assistant State Conservationist-Partnerships
Jill Reinhart works with partners to ensure all potential customers, including beginning farmers, are aware of USDA NRCS programs and resources.

Lais McCartney
Purdue Extension
IN SARE Coordinator
North Central SARE's network of state coordinators–housed at each land grant university throughout the region–conduct train-the-trainer programs and share information about our grant programs and other sustainable agriculture resources in their respective states. Please contact Lais about SARE grants that come up for proposal throughout the year. Beginning farmers can apply to grants to grow sustainability through research and education.